You Tell Me…

Let’s say through government proclamation some bureaucrat decided we have to breed the magnificent Lipizzaner stallions with run of the mill work horses.

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

We hear that Pres. Barack Obama is scheduling a meeting to discuss immigration on June 8, 2009. According to a couple of hasty little articles in the controlled media, Congressional leaders will meet to discuss policy dialogue, but lawmaking isn’t actually planned until next year, probably in the fall. The meeting was first rumored after a recent Senate Immigration Subcommittee hearing. Naturally, open border pimp and Subcommittee Chairman Senator Chuck Schumer said during the hearing that the time is ready for amnesty and an overhaul of the current system since “Congress has shown its willingness to secure the nation’s borders, which Pres. Obama said was necessary before proposing amnesty for illegal aliens.”

Well, how appropriate for Schumer to dispense with such a bald faced lie, as the sinking economy keeps the masses sidetracked while folks struggle to makes ends meet–our borders are just as unsecured as ever; and when he says overhaul the system what he really means is driving the last stake –once and for all– into the heart of what used to be an immigration policy and a nation that once favored Europeans. Of course, Schumer says nothing about the tens of millions of Third World hitchhikers already here.  In fact an April 2009 study by the Pew Hispanic Center estimated that more than 8 million illegal foreign workers, mostly mestizos, now hold U.S. jobs; which is to say –as far as I’m concerned– any potential babble of legalizing those illegal workers is in reality more talk about keeping European Americans (and even a high number of blacks) out of those 8 million+ jobs for the sake of campaign funds and lobbying dollars, courtesy of low wage corporate hacks and Mexican pressure groups inside the US.

And let’s not forget the hundreds of thousands of immigrants entering our nation legally this year, with their propensity to birth children like it’s a hobby or something, under extended-family categories and the visa lottery. They too will be competing for jobs with unemployed European Americans, some of whom actually voted for “hope” and “change.” You see, the ‘ethnically mindful’ Chuck Schumer and president Barry Hussein Dunham Soetoro Obama know these things… and flatly don’t care.

 If any of my listeners attended a nominally good school some of you might remember that Congress passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, which used openly self aware measures limiting citizenship to persons of European extraction only. Of course it didn’t take long to be challenged on behalf of Blacks after the Civil War, but it still continued to be useful in most other cases until 1952. That’s right…the Naturalization Act of 1790 was in place until 1965, a total of 162 years! And in order to ensure national identity in the 1920s the immigration laws were reinforced with the “National Origins” quota constraint, limiting the percentage of immigrants from any one country to the percentage of the U.S. population in 1920 already in the U.S. — ensuring the racial character of the U.S. would not be affected due to immigration. This was all well and good until its “overhaul” in 1965 by those like Senator Chuck Schumer and Ted Kennedy who felt America had remained predominately white long enough.

Until then there was no reason at all to promote non-white diversity — and no one did, except for a few deluded religious fanatics, pushy university Marxists and gutless government officials. So in spite of a few historical oversights, it was still a manageable situation because there were far too many people in our ranks who understood what would happen if things got out of hand. And of course the so-called extremists were right again, things did get out of hand.

So now the floodgates from the vast and alien Third World are open now. Oh sure there is plenty of evidence that confirms a few token roundups and deportations — but these are symbolic measures with so much more in terms of awareness and education that needs to be completed. You see the logical outcome to racial diversity is that it breeds group blending, which is to say no (tribal) group wins when it comes to longevity and maintaining their unique identity. And yet no one can get themselves to believe that so-called “racism” breeds group individuality, that it preserves the distinctions Nature has given us all.
In other words, separation means life; the preservation of cultural and racial identity, while mixing means the death of racial and cultural diversity. How hard is that to understand? Does that sound like “hate” to you?

To illustrate my point: let’s say some bureaucrat decided through government diktat to breed the magnificent Lipizzaner Stallions, a breed of horse that dates back to the 16th century, when it was developed with the support of the European nobility* with run of the mill work horses. Can you imagine the hue and cry from the masses? Indeed, there would absolutely be no calls for equality then, would there? Why that kind of stupidity would totally contaminate the Lipizzaner’s long and proud bloodline the talking heads and their followers would shriek; and soon there won’t be any more Lipizzaner Stallions because they will be bred out of existence and the world would be a lot poorer for it – they would say. And yet these same dimwits would think nothing of their government schooled kids to date and mate with mestizos or blacks because their teachers, professors and the media say that race shouldn’t matter to them.

Moreover, that’s what some of their pastors and priests have told them, too. That’s what Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center told them. That’s what George Bush Barack Obama and Charles Schumer have told them. You are evil if you wish to limit or deny your fellow coffee colored “Americans” the privilege of sullying the bodies’ hearts and minds of your sons and daughters, nieces and nephews. But the Lipizzaner Stallions with their exclusive blood lines, royal history and incredible abilities; they must be kept as far away as possible from any old field nag with a questionable lineage.

Listen closely to me, especially if you are new to these pod casts: Do you really want your son or daughter — or grandson or granddaughter — to come home from the hospital with a biracial infant that will never be fully accepted on an intuitive level by its peers of either race? After all there’s a reason why a black couple is powerless to give birth to a white baby than a white couple can give birth to a black baby. The reason is because each race was created within a divine arrangement; to fulfill its own destiny as only that race is capable of doing, may it rise or fall. For those of you who advocate the insanity of open borders and miscegenation — this is a law of Nature not to be trifled with.

Moreover, in the sort of blunt scrutiny of American racial and cultural problems that seems to come only from foreigners, Japanese economist Yuji Aida has argued that it will be very difficult for America to remain a leading industrial power if Hispanics and blacks become the majority in this country:

“Unfortunately…I doubt that many African or Latin American countries, for instance, will become high-tech societies in the foreseeable future…. [T]he experience of the last 500 years leaves little room for hope. Blacks and Hispanics will not be able to run a complex industrial society like the United States unless they dramatically raise their sights and standards in the next 40 years. Burdened with a handicap of this magnitude, how will the United States cope?” (Yuki Aida, “America’s Ethnic Achilles’ Heel,” San Francisco Examiner, 4/9/91)

No one has a right or a justifiable cause to break that law or to encourage others to cause that law to be broken — any more than some politically correct bureaucrat would aspire to breeding the Lipizzaner stallions into oblivion. You (you know who you are) have no right, no obligation to impose your caustic ignorance on the rest of our people no matter what anyone says. If you do, you are foolishly implying your ancestors, and all they may or may not have stood for, were purely miserable racists and now you know better because people more educated than you have forcefully implied as much, correct?

Sounds like full-on hate to me; and after decades of this kind of brainwashing we now see too many examples among the current generation of young white people who are committing racial suicide. Are you not deeply saddened to see European American women girls and mothers denying their own maternal instincts for ethnic survival when you see them pushing a stroller carrying a biracial baby? When you see a perfectly normal healthy looking Caucasian male with an Asian or mestizo female on his arm; are you not tempted to at least wonder why women that bear his own ethnicity are not worthy of his attention?  Maybe the Naturalization Act of 1790, which used openly self aware measures limiting citizenship to persons of European extraction only wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

So consider this: Deep within your instinct, beneath all of social and political conditioning, do you honestly believe that the precious white child with which you have been blessed, or may soon be blessed with, is unmistakably no different than a non-white child? Do you in fact believe it doesn’t matter — or may even be a good thing– to allow children who possess the physical and spiritual glimmer of European ancestry to eventually merge into an Asian-African-Mexican-Third-World mess? 

And even if European Americans were a secondary or run of the mill people, even if we as a people have accomplished little in the unfolding saga of world history should we nevertheless celebrate the demise of an entire group through miscegenation, rampant immigration and abortion? No matter what the cost these poisonous doctrines must be swept away from the hearts and minds of our people once and for all.

You tell me what’s enriching about biracial or even tri-racial children.
You tell me what’s enriching about the loss of ethnic and cultural individuality.
You tell me what’s valuable about the corruption of separate and exclusive gene pools which were intended to demonstrate true diversity?
You tell me why we should rejoice in the death of our nation and our people in as little as one more generation and beyond.

You tell me.

*(The breed takes its name from one of the earliest stud farms established, located near the Kras village of Lipica (spelled “Lipizza” in Italian), in modern-day Slovenia… stallions known for their highly controlled, stylized jumps and other movements known as the “airs above the ground.”)

“Who is Frank Roman?”
