Systemic Failure

What we have is a system failure that is rooted in a societal failure.Behind our disaster lie the greed, stupidity and incompetence of theleadership of a generation.

As the U.S. financial crisis broadens and deepens, wiping out thewealth and savings of tens of millions, destroying hopes and dreams, itis hard not to see in all of this history’s verdict upon thisgeneration.

We have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.

Forhow did this befall us, save through decisions that brushed asidelessons that history and experience had taught our fathers?

It all began with the corruption called sub-prime mortgages.

The motivation was not wicked. Democrats wanted to raise home ownershipamong African-Americans from 50 percent to the 75 percent of whitefolks (He means European Americans. — Ed.). Rove Republicans wanted to do the same for Hispanics.

And, so, the crash came and the panic ensued.

Who is to blame for the disaster that has befallen us?

Their name is Legion.


“Avarice and ambition,” warned JohnAdams, “would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whalegoes through a net. Our Constitution is made only for a moral andreligious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of anyother.”

In this deepening crisis, what is being tested is not simply the resilience of capitalism, but the character of a people.

