What WHAMs Need To Know About Affirmative Action

While this article describes the plight of white Americans and the forces arrayed against them in stark terms, we do not adhere to the level of pessimism on display in an otherwise fine piece. — Ed.

By Paul Craig Roberts

If you are a white heterosexual able-bodied male (WHAM), you need to understand that affirmative action is not about leveling a playing field.  It is about leveling you.


You need to comprehend, also, that you are already pretty much leveled. Even the most recent immigrant from the Third World arrives in the U.S. with more legal rights than you or your sons have.  As a “person of color” the immigrant is admitted to universities and job-training programs on the basis of lower standards than are applied to you.  He has the right to be hired and promoted ahead of you despite lesser qualifications for the job.  He can sue you for discrimination for a variety of reasons—for example, you don’t want to hire him, make him a bank loan, or rent him your house. But you cannot sue him for the same reasons. He can call you names, but you can’t call him names. His special legal status is growing as politicians pandering to him create new crimes that only he can suffer and only you can commit.  His special rights are based on skin color.  His official designation is “preferred minority.”  He is a member of a new aristocracy with status-based rights. He is learning to see his preferred legal position as a race-based entitlement.Your persecution has already begun.  And much worst is to come.  You are demonized in the universities, just as Jews in Germany were demonized by intellectuals and professors for 60 years prior to Adolf Hitler.  And you are demonized in the same vicious terms.  You are part of the “hegemonic order.”  Your success and contributions are based on holding down others.  The rule of law is your self-serving construction and nothing but a race and gender law designed to oppress blacks and women.  You have done nothing but evil throughout history.  The communists blamed the capitalists.  Nazis blamed the Jews.  Feminists and affirmative action blame you.

