How to Have More White Babies: Part II (continued)

The point here is that study after study confirms that domestic violence isn’t a one-way street — it is “equal opportunity” for both sexes, with women being more likely than men to be the initiators of violence. This is a simple fact. Deal with it.Meanwhile, back at the special-interest ranch, Radical Feminists — whose technique for social deconstruction depends upon inculcating victim-mentality in women while providing female supremacist rights to women over men — have spent decades procuring special (rather than equal) rights for women with regard to domestic violence.No place is this more evident than in so-called “battered women’s shelters” from which men of any sort – including men who are victims rather than perpetrators of violence – are categorically excluded just because of their sex.In fact, such shelters – which don’t even EXIST for the men who are the recipients of 70% of single-initiator acts of violence – have such an antipathy to the male sex that even young boys are excluded from them just for being boys. When a woman with both male and female children checks into such a shelter, while she is allowed to keep her girls, the boys are literally forced into foster care, simply for the crime of having been born male.(30)So let’s recap.Radical feminism is an outgrowth of the Frankfurt School’s goal of destroying Western civilization. It played upon existing injustices and inequities, exaggerated them, and used them as a basis for demanding retributive justice. It demands not equality, but punitive measures taken against men and even innocent little boys. It engenders a false sense of victim-hood in women, and encourages their worst characteristics while suppressing the best. It is hostile to heterosexuality, actively subverts the family, seeks special treatment of women as a class and actively harms the education of boys. While the factors contributing to our low birth rates are complex and interrelated; the simple fact is that the radical feminist agenda has put men at such a disadvantage that they are engaged in a strike against marriage and reproduction. The radical feminist agenda has furthermore created class differentials between white men and white women that serve to encourage miscegenation and increase dissatisfaction, and has been a large factor in producing laws that have increased the number of our children raised without a father in the home.Radical feminism has been an unmitigated disaster for our people and it must be utterly discredited, disinherited and destroyed if we are to survive as a people.In the next podcast in this series, we’ll cover some of the solutions to radical feminism as well as solutions to the economic and workplace issues covered in the previous podcast.This has been John Young with European Americans United. Thank you for joining me again today.Sources(1) Richard Hofstaedter, White Servitude ibid.(3) Patai, D. (1998) Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism(6) Daly, J. (1998) Parker, Kathleen (2008), Save the Males(9) Sommers, Christina Hoff (2000), The War Against Boys(10) Cook, P. & Sacks, G. (2003), Mysterious Decline-Where Are the Men on Campus? (11) Gabe, Todd (2007), Fiscal and Economic Effects of College Attainment(12) Gurian, M. & Stevens, K. (2005), The Minds of Boys, pg. 22(13) New York Times, Dec 13, 1998, p.3 sec. 4 “How Boys Lost out to Girl Power.”(14) Christina Hoff Sommers(2000), The War Against Boys, The Atlantic, May 2000.(15) Eva Pomerantz, Ellen Altermatt, & Jill Saxon, “Making the grade but feeling distressed: gender differences in academic performance and internal distress,” Journal of Educational Psychology, volume 94, number 2, pages 396-404, 2002.(16) ibid.(18) Wikipedia, entry for No-Fault Divorce, Friedman, Lawrence M. (2002). American Law in the Twentieth Century. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 435-36.(21) Parejko, J. (2002), Stolen Vows, ISBN 1-59196-022-3(22) Margaret F. Brinig and Douglas A. Allen, “’These Boots Are Made For Walking”: Why Most Divorce Filers Are Women” American Law and Economics Review 2-1 (2000): 126-169(23) ibid.(24) Dianna Thompson and Glenn Sacks (2002), A ‘marriage strike’ emerges as men decide not to risk loss(26) Seltzer, S. (2008), A Feminist Appalled by Palin, Huffington Post (28) Harvard Medical School (2007), Domestic Violence: Not always one-sided(29)Whitaker et. al. (2007), Differences in Frequency of Violence and Reported Injury Between Relationships with Reciprocal and non-Reciprocal Intimate Partner Violence, DV Conference Report #3,
