Menorah, Star & Crescent Added to “Christmas” Display

Merry whatever

Each Christmas season brings new attempts to dilute America’s cultural foundations, as part of a larger attempt to marginalize European American people by forging a of the Christian religion, the historical faith of European Americans, are attacked as part of this agenda.

In the New York State village of Armonk, home to IBM, officials have put up a Jewish candelabra (“menorah”) and a Muslim star and crescent alongside a Christmas tree to show how committed to “inclusive” politically correct doctrine local leaders are. The “national” “Christmas” display in Washington, DC has long featured Jewish symbology, and Muslim iconography has been present for a decade. Similar displays are becoming common nationwide as efforts to portray America’s government enforced “multiculturalism” as workable pick up steam.

The Armonk village fathers (parents?) are excited to be catching up with the times. “We’ve decided to go in the direction of being all-inclusive,” supervisor Reese Berman told AP. The addition of the Muslim for “outsiders,” especially police, and the establishment of Sharia courts to enforce Islamic laws and codes.

Muslims (and their multiculturalist allies) have not been shy about using “hate laws” to squelch dissent to their agenda. World famous French nationalist,, the French equivalent of the Southern Poverty Law Center, and which was founded by Stalinists in the postwar period, brought charges against Bardot, making complaints of the kind these groups dislike illegal.

But while candelabras and stars and crescents are specifically religious symbols, the Christmas tree, dating from pre-Christian times, is not. Catholic League president Bill Donahue expressed concern, saying that the double standard in Armonk “shows tremendous sympathy for Jews and Muslims at the expense of the majority Christians.” In fact, like the “H bomb” (“hate”), the word “inclusiveness” is loaded politically correct shorthand for white dispossession and is a word that has little or no literal meaning when it involves whites positively. Briarcliff Manor, a village close to Armonk, decided to have no display at all in 2006 to avoid installing a a Nativity creche a Christian offered to donate  to go alongside the Jewish candelabra. In 2007, Briarcliff Manor put the secular Christmas tree back and switched out the candelabra for a giant dreidel, a spinning top, claiming that it is a “secular” Jewish symbol of the season.

This argument about the “non-religious” nature of dreidels has led to their inclusion in many secular government schools as part of “winter holiday” lessons. And, like heaven, monotheism, angels, Messiahs, circumcision, prophets, Adam and Eve and so many other aspects of the Jewish religion and practice, dreidels were co-opted by European Jews from the customs of neighboring, in this case German, “gentiles.”

However, some knowledgeable Christian parents have objected to the use of dreidels in schools on the grounds that dreidels are related to Kabbalah, Jewish “number magick” that has become well known recently because of its fad status with Hollywood stars like Kabbalah, a superstitious derivation from Greek Neoplatonism and other Classical thought*, assigns number values to Hebrew letters. The number value of the dreidel letters is 358, the same value as “mashiach” (Messiah). For some mystical Jews, the act of spinning dreidels brings the coming of “mashiach” closer. For Christians, of course, the Messiah (Christ) is Jesus, regarded by Jews as a false prophet, and so Christian children “summoning” the Jewish “mashiach” with dreidels is at best a religious act and at worst blasphemy. (Many may have noticed that the name “Jesus” without the “Christ” appellation has become increasingly common in the media, a backhanded statement of Jewish theology that would be as consistent as routinely using the name Siddhartha Gautama instead of Buddha, since “only” 350 million people consider him to have been the Buddha, as Buddhism claims. Of course, the blackout of the “Christ” word is just another attack on Christian expression).

Despite the fact that Christmas displays are regularly challenged by “secular” and “atheist” groups on “" grounds, these same groups apparently have no problems about separation of synagogue, or mosque, and state.

* Alphabet numerology is called isopsephy and gematria. While Jewish use of numerology is still mainly religious, original European mystical use evolved philosophical angles and then scientific purposes, much as alchemy laid the groundwork for chemistry and astrology formed the basis of astronomy. The word isopsephy means “equal pebble,” a reference to the Classical Greek use of pebbles to teach mathematics and, as the word gematria suggests, geometry. The word for pebbles in Latin is “calculi,” which gives us “calculate” and “calculus.”  
