Stalinist New Britain

Muslim-coddling Labour Party inflicts cruelty upon indigenous BNP members**

Police torture which leaves innocentpeople bleeding and bruised; house ransacking of 75-year-old pensionersand the deliberate withholding of vital medicine to 70-year-olddetainees suffering from stage three renal failure — this is the faceof Stalinist New Britain as it has developed under the Labour/Tory era.

The story of the Liverpool 13, asdetailed by them exclusively to BNP News, is a shocking tale of policeabuse, sanctioned at the very highest levels of government. BNPactivist Andrew Tierney today described how, after he had announced hisintention to passively resist the forced taking of his fingerprints andDNA, he had been set upon by six policemen.

**Photo, right, was taken at a Muslim protest in Britain over a newspaper’s depiction of Muhammad.

Showing the bleeding from the wounds hehad suffered behind his ears, and the bruising on his side and arms, MrTierney said that he had told the policemen that he would not violentlyresist, but that he was a totally innocent patriot and as such he wasnot going to help them in any way.

“I told them I was only going to offerpassive resistance. I was not going to be violent towards anyone, andwould not use any expletives.

“I stood with my hands clasped behindmy back, and the six policemen then set about me. At the time I thoughtto myself if this is what it takes for six of them to undo my handclasp, they are lucky I am not in shape,” he said.

“They then somehow applied a tremendouspressure behind my ears, inflicting great pain,” he continued.Photographs taken shortly afterwards clearly showed bleeding fromwounds sustained behind both Mr Tierney’s ears.

Next, the guardians of democracyapplied some kind of pressure to his arms and his side, once againleaving considerable bruising, evidenced again by photographs takenshortly after his release.

“They then pulled my head back so farthat my windpipe was restricted, and while I was gasping for air,applied pressure to the front of my neck as well,” he said. Nearlycollapsing from the pain and lack of oxygen, Mr Tierney was then unableto prevent the policemen from taking his fingerprints.

“Next they grabbed hold of my nose, andonce again somehow applied the most penetrating pressure to the back ofmy neck, forcing my mouth open to take a DNA swab,” he continued. Thewhole episode lasted at least a quarter of an hour, and Mr Tierney wasleft shaken and in pain, so that two other policemen, obviouslyappalled at his treatment, offered him water once the others had left.


Update: All of the 13 Liverpool BNP activistswho were unlawfully detained by the Liverpool PoliticalPolice masquerading as the Merseyside Constabulary, were released atapproximately 2:30AM after over 14 hours in detention.

In scenes which could previously onlyhave occurred under Stalinist Communism, the arrested men’s ”crime”,according to the Merseyside KGB, was that they were in breach of thePublic Order Act for distributing copies of the ‘Racism Cuts Both Ways’leaflet.– Source
