Obama Service

aka Involuntary Servitude

by Chris Brown


In my experience, most people seem to enjoy freedom. And yet it would appear most people fall prey to any government http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=396, albeit under a different name. This includes under the name of “service.”

Performing service unto others is typically known to be a good, even a noble, act. Private companies and citizens do it every day, voluntarily. State-forced “service,” on the other hand, is merely slavery, or involuntary servitude. Slavery is essentially Person A forcing Person B to perform a task at Person A’s request, and paying Person B at a wage less than what they would have accepted willingly. Steven Yates provides a helpful definition of slavery:

“. . . slavery is non-ownership of one’s Person and Labor. It is involuntary servitude. A slave must work under a whip, real or figurative, wielded by other persons, his owners, with no say in how (or even if) his labors are compensated. His is a one-way contract he cannot opt out of. A slave is tied to his master (and to the land where he labors). He cannot simply quit if he doesn’t like it. Moreover, a slave can be bought and sold like any other commodity.”

While most people think slavery was abolished in the US in 1865, it is alive and well – except now slavery is institutionalized and disguised under the more innocuous, and less conspicuous, label “taxes.” It is not hard to see that taxes are a form of slavery – it is taking the fruits of one’s labor through a figurative whip; it is also a violation of the 13th Amendment. However, let us turn from taxes to a more explicit form of involuntary servitude, this time “served up” by future http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3967.Slavery will grow under Obama’s Presidency. Obama plans to “expand and fund AmeriCorps from 75,000 slots today to 250,000” through the creation of five new Corps.

