Media Cannot Move On From Race Politics

By Mark Impomeni

The Associated Press reports on a smattering of racially motivated incidents that have occurred in the weeks after President-elect Barack Obama’s victory in the general election. The report focuses on reports of 200 “hate-related incidents” collected by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The AP story terms this collection of fringe actions by fringe elements in American society a “white backlash.” It is, of course, no such thing. The AP admits as much in its report, characterizing most post-election incidents as, “little more than juvenile pranks.” But the with which the AP reports the story is no accident. It is intended to make a point, namely, that American society is consumed by race politics, and that those who did not support Barack Obama in the election did so out of racist tendencies.

Hence, the AP attributing near movement status to a relative handful of juvenile pranksters. The Southern Poverty Law Center must come in for some blame as well. Its report of 200 incidents is presented as, “a record in modern presidential politics.” It is important to note, however, that these are 200 incidents out of 125 million people who 58 million Americans did not vote for Barack Obama. Of these, however, the SPLC chose to make the focus of its election analysis the 200 who acted stupidly as a result, instead of the millions upon millions who have not.
