Italians Mean Business

Consider civilian patrols to help handle immigrant crime

by Andrew Redmond for Western Voices

Third World immigration is out of control in all Western nations, and a slow but sure response is finally coalescing as the scale of the problem trumps sterile, misplaced white guilt. The manifest unwillingness (and, increasingly obviously, impotence) of the “centrist” coalition parties to protect citizens has led to the rise of serious nationalist movements entering the political mainstream, and even government, across Europe. Italy has seen the most success; in the elections held in the Spring of 2008, nationalists and conservatives formed a coalition government, smashing the Communists, long a mainstay of Italian politics, in the process, and leaving the “center left” Social Democrats, who had reached out for immigrant support, in disarray.

Prime Minister “We have formed citizen street patrols, together with residents’ associations,” said Leandro Comacchio of the Northern League. “A minimum of four people, but often up to ten, all with phosphorescent jackets carrying the Lion of St. Mark, the symbol of Veneto.” Now the patriotic and nationalist ruling coalition is considering a plan that would integrate the ronde activists into the police.

And the ronde form of organic resistance has a long tradition in Italy. The Romans built their power on the plebeian yeomanry, armed farmers who formed a citizens militia that guarded against invasion and checked internal corruption and power seizures. In the Medieval and Renaissance period, Italy’s famed city states were defended by an armed citizenry against the threat of foreign occupation. Parts of Italy were divided among a number of foreign powers, who often relied on hired mercenaries to oppress the Italian people. The result was armed secret societies like the Carbonari (“charcoal burners”), who were bound by oaths and secret signals, some of which, after the Risorgimento reunification, went on to what is now euphemistically called “organized crime.” The Camorra of the Naples region, and the Sicilian Mafia, which are now considered to be criminal organizations, started out as patriotic citizens groups responding to foreign oppression and occupation, and carrying out counter power roles in policing, courts and decision making that took control out of the hands of non-Italians. One theory on the origins of the word Mafia holds it to be a patriotic acronym: “Morta Alla Francia, Italia Anela” (“Death to France. This is Italy’s cry”).

Now Italy is considering integrating the ronde patrols, symbols of modern nationalist counter power, with the regular police. Under the plan, which is being debated in the Italian Upper House, the civilian patrols would act as official auxiliaries of local police and take part in law enforcement operations. A similar proposal was made in the United States to co-opt the Minutemen and give their most active members volunteer desk jobs at Border Patrol offices. But while the US plan was co-option by a government fearful of independent action on the illegal immigration crisis Washington actually supports, the Italian case looks different, especially given the fact that the political sponsors of the ronde plan have a political program dedicated to solving the immigration problem. “Thanks to the initiatives of the Northern League these ronde patrols will soon be working with the forces of law and order,” said  Mario Borghezio, a Northern League MP. “Now all honest citizens will no longer feel that they have to hand over the areas where they live to criminals, drug dealers and prostitutes. It’s a very proud day.”

Thanks to decades of out of control open borders policies, Italy is now home to at least one million Muslims, only one, though most aggressive, of the numerous Third World ethnic groups who have invaded the peninsula. The usual suspects claim that the citizens patrols will wreak intimidation and violence against innocent nonwhites. They point to a number of recent between indigenous Italians and nonwhites, none of which involved ronde activists. Among these was a mass uprising against illegal Gypsy squatters after an attempted kidnapping of an Italian infant in Naples. The Camorra have also been blamed for the shooting deaths of Third World drug dealers. As is usual, special interest groups ignore the DAILY criminal outrages committed against Italians by immigrants, but have often proved successful at blowing any hint of “racist violence” (which, by politically correct definition, is exclusively committed by whites against nonwhites) into national, media fueled festivals of white guilt.

But Italians have had enough. The stupid, pathetic and routine slurs about any expression of white identity as “Nazi” don’t have the same impact. And Italians also know that, as happened with the old Mafia and similar groups, unofficial enforcers will fill a power vacuum. If the Italian government won’t deal with the immigration problem, the Italians, eventually, will. Similar clashes have occurred elsewhere in Europe, most notably in the Nordic nations, where the Hells Angels and similar groups are experiencing an upsurge in recruitment.

If Italy wants to avoid the “criminalization” of law enforcement, one of the best methods, as part of a larger plan to roll back Third World immigration across the board, is to allow the indigenous people whose nation Italy is to have a say and a role in making their communities safe. A well thought out program such as this would also help to forestall the eventual alternative, which would be tragic: an all out, vicious and widespread racial cleansing of one side or the other, a horror that is still preventable should cooler heads prevail while there is still enough time to prevent the cataclysm the old politicians have created through corrupt greed and ideological blindness.
