A French View: Racism Triumphs

French observer http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4762 on the triumph of antiwhite racism



Obama has won. The elite and the media supported him without even knowing his agenda. It was necessary to elect Obama because of the color of his skin. Slavery, colonization and Islamophobia had to be expiated.

A large majority of the world’s population is rejoicing over this http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=5957 and rightly sees it as the expression of an anti-white vote. It is truly an historic day. Beginning now, our days are numbered.

In Europe this election will encourage all the lobbies that endorse immigration as population replacement. The “white” culture will be forced to melt into a racially mixed, relativist and multicultural magma. On the other hand, the Muslim, African and Papuan cultures will be magnified.The day will come when this Orwellian society will http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=5949 under the weight of its contradictions but it will be too late to re-establish our values. We have no future: now it is every man for himself and God for all.

