Leftists Aid Government, Islamists in Cologne

Violence flares as German conference attacked

http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3416, only a small number of arrests were made.

Police have known about the planned violence for months, while the US Embassy has urged its citizens to avoid Cologne. However, the German government is afraid of Pro Koeln, the moderate populist citizens initiative group which organized the conference, and is anxious to sideline the group ahead of upcoming elections.

The far left, which has been ideologically adrift since the end of the Cold War, routinely serves the purposes of the state as “deniable” paramilitary goons largely protected from arrest and retaliation. In fact, despite the call of the main protest group, the Alliance for Mass Blockades, to break the law in an effort to stop the conference, Cologne’s mayor has spoken out against the conference and has worked hard to disrupt it.

Pro Koeln (For Cologne), the group organizing the event, has attracted a number of leading nationalist figures from across Europe to address the Islamization conference, among them Filip http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1750 the conference as a gathering of violent extremists, the forces represented at the Cologne conference work through peaceful, legal and electoral means. It is the left which is in violation of the law and opposed to the real concerns of ordinary people, a fact that will only help Pro Koeln in the upcoming elections. Similar attempts to sideline and disrupt nationalist politics are a sign of desperation on the part of the corporations, special interests and politicians, whose “multiculturalism” is seen as a threat by growing numbers of people. In Cologne alone, nearly 40% of the population is now Turkish.

Mosque construction is a hot topic in Europe, standing as symbols of permanent Muslim presence in a continent which has suffered from Islamic invasion for centuries. The presence of mosques is twinned with establishment attempts to appease the http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3964 leaders embracing Islamization.

Almost funny is the increasingly oddball behavior of the far left, which reveals its own ideological confusion. At one time, the left claimed to champion http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3976 does the left say nothing, they get those who do arrested! And with no base in the white working class, the left has abandoned even the pretense of defending this stratum, whose members have to deal on a real basis with the effects of Third World immigration, from job loss to poor schools to crime.

The pathetic nature of what passes for leftist ideology has been seen across Europe. In Italy, the left’s “Olive Tree Coalition,” consisting not only of two separate communist groups but also the equivalent of the Democrats, cheerfully “reached out” to the Italian “Muslim community” in an electoral bloc. Happily, the left/Muslim nexus has cost the Marxists dearly; the prowhite Northern League battered the communists at the recent polls, leading to the first non-representation of communists in parliament since 1946. In Finland, a former Marxist has converted to Islam to found an http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=5521.

Elsewhere leftist activism has grown increasingly petty, from weasel lawsuits in France against people like Brigitte Bardot and Front National leaders Jean Marie Le Pen and Bruno Gollnisch, to the pathetic decision of two Socialist controlled town councils in Spain to change their towns’ http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4661 to placate Muslims.

A similar corporate/leftist http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=5574 leads to violence from those who feel “justified” in denying dissidents freedom of speech.

In Europe, Muslim immigration is the single greatest demographic threat, and nationalists there have skillfully capitalized on this issue to win elections and influence. In fact, many of their positions are even stolen by “mainstream” politicians. The irony for the far left, which is waking up to the fact that it has forever lost relevance, is that it has to align itself with the “reactionary” Muslims who hate them. In a Muslim Europe, Marxists would be the first to go up against a wall.
