The Heretical 2: Requests for Asylum and Letters from Santa Ana Jail

Writing from jail, Whittle and Sheppard asked a mutual acquaintance…to pass along their letters and requestsfor political asylum to me. Note that the legal arguments used againstthem  by the Bush Administration could transform the Internet from atool of worldwide intellectual liberation to one of global enslavement

by Nicholas Stix

On July 31, in The Heretical 2: Asylum Seekers the Refugee Industry Won’t be Fighting for,  I wrote of two Englishmen, writer Stephen Whittle (pen name Luke O’Farrell), 41, and his publisher, Simon Sheppard, 51, both of whom were convicted in July in England of “publishing racially inflammatory written material.”

On September 11, I wrote on the case of 19-year-old Jeremiah Munsen, an American who on Monday began a four-month federal prison sentence in Louisiana for engaging in symbolic speech that is protected by the First Amendment. Monday’s  mailout asked, “Why is Obama’s Friend Bill Ayers Free and Jeremiah Munsen in Jail?” Until fairly recently, the English-language world was a beacon of freedom of opinion. Today, however, the “land of the free,” England, Canada and Australia are increasingly indistinguishable from EU, Communist, and Third-World tyrannies.Whittle is guilty of having written essays variously excoriating and mocking Jews, Moslems and blacks (and Jews), Jews, blacks (and Jews), Jews and their Gentile “useful idiots”, homosexuals (and Jews); and Sheppard of having published them, which in England are crimes. (In England, it is not a crime to write anti-white, anti-Christian screeds.) Yes, folks, we’re in Alex Linder country.

While free pending sentencing, Whittle and Sheppard fled to America, where they immediately sought asylum and were arrested. Since then, America’s MSM have kept their existence a more closely guarded secret than what Barack Obama/Dunham/Soetoro did on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. If only Whittle and Sheppard  were belligerent Moslem Bantu, HIV+, or Hispanic, illegal immigrant, gang-bangers, they’d by now be safely ensconced in the refugee-industrial complex.

