Germany: Anti-Islam Conference Opposed by Holocaust Survivor

A well-known Holocaust survivor has said he strongly opposes the international anti-Islam conference slated to take place in Germany next month, despite his critical stance on Islam.

German Jewish writer and Holocaust survivor Ralph Giordano has come out strongly against the planned so-called Anti-Islamization Congress — a meeting of extreme-right European political forces — planned for Sept. 19-20 in Cologne.

The right-wing extremist groups Pro Koeln and Pro NRW are organizing the event, with the aim of issuing a declaration opposed to the purported** “Islamification” of Europe. 
The meeting will be attended by some of the most inflammatory names inEuropean race politics, including Jean- Marie Le Pen of France,Austria’s Heinz-Christian Strache, and Belgium’s Filip Dewinter.



The soaring Muslim population is a Fifth Column inside Europe. 

Nevertheless,their numbers must grow.  For not only do they have a higher birth ratethan the native-born Europeans, no European nation, save MoslemAlbania, has a birth rate (2.1 births per woman) that will enable it toendure for many more generations.  The West is aging, shrinking, anddying.

Yet, to keep Europe’s economy growing and taxes comingin to fund the health and pension programs of Europe’s rising numbersof retired and elderly, Europe needs scores of millions of newworkers.  And Europe can only find them in the Third World.

Norshould Americans take comfort in France’s distress.  By 2050, therewill be 100 million Hispanics in the United States, half of them ofMexican ancestry, heavily concentrated in a Southwest most Mexicansstill believe by right belongs to them.

Colonization of themother countries by subject peoples is the last chapter in the historyof empires—and the next chapter in the history of the West—that is nowcoming to a close. — Patrick J. Buchanan
