Calloway Says Clintons Are Veiled “White Supremacists”

Since President Lyndon B. Johnson and his diabolical “War on Poverty,” liberal Democrats have been trying to keep the “race” genie from popping out every once in a while.

While we patiently watched the Democratic presidential primary campaign finally conclude, several things especially important to African Americans have been made crystal clear.

Foremost is that the issue of race in myriad manifestations is paramount within the American body politic. Second is the revelation, and perhaps shock to some, that “beloved” Bill and Hillary Clinton are actually white nationalists who revel in the Anglo-Saxon Priori (“white is right”) and promote ethnic and class divisiveness.

The third thing is that America’s white-controlled Democratic Party, joined by a vast majority of America’s mass media, exacerbated “Clintonism” by excusing the Clinton campaign’s quasi-Klan-like call-outs to white supremacy.

The Democratic Party remained silent while the media promoted the Clinton message. Former President Bill Clinton started things off by referring to Sen. Barack Obama as “a kid,” an obvious euphemism for the derogatory “boy” that white people like to call black men.

Fourth is the deep hurt reminiscent of more than 246 years of chattel slavery and over a century of segregation, wherein blacks even suffered division as “house Negroes and field Negroes.” These remnants of slavery allowed so many black elected officials, church and other leaders to support Hillary, even though their constituents supported Barack Obama!          

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s incessant charge that Obama is an “elitist” flies in the face of all manner of documentary evidence to the contrary, including Obama’s two best-selling books and other public records.

But the white press spread the unfounded Clintonism as gospel anyway. Why? Because the white press understood that the Clintons were especially telling working-class white people that Barack Obama is an uppity (N-word) who stepped way out of his place, running for president of the United States of (White) America.

