Will the US Be Saved?

Controversial political activist and commentator Chris Fogarty speaks out on issues at home and abroad.

WILL U.S. BE SAVED? Or, more precisely, will Americans restore the US Constitution and again become a nation of laws?

Let’s first acknowledge our current situation. Our once-fine international reputation is in tatters. That our fellow Americans have been kept largely in the dark doesn’t diminish the fact that Bush’s war on Iraq is the Supreme Crime as defined by the http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4666, Baghram, Diego Garcia and his other international “black” torture sites. A few years ago 39 had already been tortured to death.

The Bush gang is also http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4592 on all Americans. Space here doesn’t permit a review of the whole range of crimes; but an idea of its scope is this: the Bush gang has violated, and continues to violate, all of our Constitution’s “Bill of Rights” (its first Ten Amendments) excepting the 4th (which involves the quartering of troops in private houses).THE AXIS OF EVIL, those responsible for the destruction of so many nations including our own, are not the U.S., U.K. and Israel, in whose names the military forces kill and destroy. Americans, Brits and Israelis are not responsible, as such, unless they voted with knowledge of the impending crimes or voted for the perpetrators after the fact. As to Iraq and its nonexistent “weapons of mass destruction,” most pols and pundits now say; “Who knew?” though 15,000 protesters on Lake Shore Drive on 3/19/03 knew that Bush had launched his Iraq war on a flood of lies. Worldwide, Iraq war protesters in their tens of millions knew; and they know that the penalty for it as established at Nuremberg is execution by hanging. So the U.S., per se, is not the guilty party here, nor is the U.K., nor Israel. The guilt lies with those three nations’ leaders who violated their oaths of office and promoted that war, and lied and fabricated false evidence to get us into it. We know the perpetrators, the Bush/Cheney Gang, the Blair/Brown Gang, the Sharon/Olmert Gang, the corporation heads who bribed them into it, the lawyers who “legalized” the crimes, and the news media gang, especially those still “spinning” the war for its perpetrators while it costs $270 million per day. .

WHAT HAPPENED? Why have we fallen so far? In addition to the war, how did it happen that the following policies exist? The greatest financial fraud in world history, into the $trillions, is the “sub-prime” mortgage scheme, in which the perpetrators made utterly unsound mortgages which they then sliced and diced, repackaged into bundles, bribed watch-dog rating agencies into giving them AAA ratings and then sold them as “AAA Collateralized Debt Obligations” (CDOs) to innocents across the globe. Retirement funds from Osaka to Helsinki are defrauded and their individual pensioners rendered destitute. The perpetrators, Bear Stearns, et al, suffered financially only to the extent that they had not yet gotten rid of all of the CDOs they had created.” Subsequent “emergency intervention” by the gov’t and Federal Reserve exacerbates the crimes by fleecing us taxpayers to make good some of the $hundreds of billions the perpetrators lost by getting stuck with their own fraudulent paper. We now learn that the gov’t is also reimbursing some of the losses incurred by the house-builders who, also, had marginally benefited from the scam. The only scam participants to whom our tax money is not flowing are the least culpable, the mortgagors who cannot make their payments. Despite facing the trauma of eviction and destitution and despite their relative innocence, the gov’t is giving them nothing but counseling.

THE PATTERN is universal. The mercantile/monarchic/oligopolistic forces that once invaded and looted other nations’ resources at gunpoint, building railroads in the 1800s for that purpose, were called empires. The US was founded by rebels against the British empire. Ireland fought through to partial freedom and will eventually win complete freedom from the now-vestigial Brit empire. Empire was a dirty word in the U.S. during its great years as a republic until recently. Until Bush “W,” U.S. presidents largely opposed empire. FDR, while smashing the Nazi/Japanese empires, eliminated many remaining injustices worldwide by sabotaging and dismantling much of the Brit empire (“Bases for Battleships,” for example). But, sad to say, the Bush gang has turned our beloved republic into an empire and has hooked up with old empire types still lurking in Britain. It is all a massive lurch into an obsolete, internationally-reviled sort of crime from the past. We are now destroying and looting nations that Britain once destroyed and looted. Our generals speechifying about coming “not as conquerors but as liberators” seem unaware that the locals, from family lore and their history books, know the names of the earlier invading Brit generals who uttered the same fraudulent words prior to beginning to loot.

CORPORATIONS are now taking over from, and giving orders to, governments. The Bush Gang is merely enforcing decisions made by the corporate leaders who control them. Much, if not most, congressional legislation is written by corporations for their exclusive benefit and to the detriment of all other Americans. Our vast health industry is controlled by corporations, with 31% of our national health expenses going to insurance companies who contribute nothing, medically. Our gov’t allows insurance companies to loot $350 billion per year from our medical funds as the quid pro quo for bribes received. This sum is more than enough to cover the medical needs of all Americans now without cover.

THE CRUX OF HISTORY is now! This year’s national election will decide whether we descend into full tyranny or begin to recover our republic. As long-time readers know, I do not endorse candidates. How can any honest person dare to do so? But when I possess relevant facts, especially media-suppressed ones, I share them. Here are some facts that bear on our electoral choices:

GENOCIDE. All decent persons who oppose genocide cannot vote for any of the three front-runners. We cannot vote for McCain, Clinton or Obama while truthfully claiming that we oppose genocide. The reason? – All three have taken AIPAC money and all publicly proclaim their unconditional support for Israeli policies which include genocide of the Palestinians, its criminal attack upon Lebanon last year, and its efforts to get the US to perpetrate genocide against Iran.

“THE LESSER EVIL,” that sad, self-imposed choice of American voters for many years, no longer applies. It cannot apply when the “lesser evil” is still so evil as to include genocide, and McCain, Clinton and Obama support Israel’s genocide. And not only the one against Palestine. If America wants no part in genocides, it cannot support McCain, Clinton or Obama—period.

OTHER KEY ISSUES which the news media tend to ignore are the following (not necessarily in order of importance): 1) Single Payer National Health Insurance. 2) Cut the bloated military budget. 3) No nuclear power; solar power first. 4) Crackdown on corporate crime and corporate welfare. 5) Open up the Presidential debates. 6) Adopt a carbon pollution tax. 7) Reverse US policy in the Middle East. 8) Impeach Bush/Cheney. 9) Repeal the Taft-Hartley anti-union law. 10) Adopt a Wall Street securities speculation tax. 11) End ballot access obstructionism. 12) Work to end corporate personhood.

NOTE WELL!! All twelve of the above key issues are “Off the Table” for McCain, Clinton and Obama. Their refusal to support ANY of these important issues, but especially their support for genocide, renders all three of them pariahs to decent people. Following my non-endorsement of any pol I do not endorse one here, but must inform you that Ralph Nader supports all twelve of these issues, and above all, he also opposes Israel’s genocide of Palestine, Lebanon, etc. Examine the list of issues carefully; they explain why the corporate news media refuse to inform America about the Nader/Gonzalez campaign. See www.votenader.org. Ralph Nader is running for President and Matt Gonzalez for VP, on the Independent Party ballot.

“ISRAEL WANTS a Billion Catholic Footsoldiers” headlines a commentary (AMERICAN FREE PRESS; Apr 7-14, ‘08) by a http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=269 claims that Israel is planning a “false-flag” attack upon the Catholic church – either in the form of an assassination attempt on the Pope or a terrorist attack on the Vatican, to be blamed on Muslims. Glenn writes; “The ‘clash of civilizations” idea is nothing new. Israel-firsters such as Daniel Pipes, Norman Podhoretz, Martin Kramer and others acting as unregistered agents of Israel have been piling up the cordwood of an Islamo-Christian holocaust for years. At first aimed at Protestants, the agenda now seems to have centered on bringing the Catholics into the battle for Israel’s benefit as well.” This would have seemed too far-fetched to mention to you had Israel not already conducted a “false-flag” operation against the USS Liberty, killing some 35 American servicemen, for the purpose of involving the US in a war against Arabs. Israel would have succeeded, and would have sunk the US ship with the loss of all hands (an Israeli navy craft machine-gunned the Liberty’s pneumatic life rafts) had a technician aboard the Liberty not managed to rig up an antenna and radio a message that the attackers were Israeli. (Before bombing and torpedoing the Liberty Israeli jets had destroyed all of its antennae.) Also, the AFP article reprints the following letter from an Israeli: “Perhaps you do not yet see that the worst is awaiting your (Christian) kind in the face of the coming Islamo-Christian war, from which my (Israeli) kind will arise victorious. Perhaps God will find it suitable that a terrorist attack will end your misery. I shall personally pray for it to be so.” – Orri Joseph Avraham, an Israeli citizen, in an email to Mark Glenn.

