Useful White Idiots

A proliferation of black pundits has flooded the airwaves, railing about massive institutional racism in America and going unchallenged by puppet hosts.

Though the term “useful idiots” has been attributed to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, this is not agreed upon by political historians. What is certain is that the common usage is that of a descriptor for Marxist sympathizers in the West and the amused derision said Marxists hold for people foolish enough to claim solidarity with those who would subjugate them.

One might say there is a great deal of honesty in the derivation; Old World Marxists such as Lenin made no bones about the fact that their goals were self-serving despite the altruistic face they put before their methodology.

Sound familiar?

For the past 20 years, Barack Obama has been a member of a racist, anti-American church. There is no debating this. The controversial rhetoric employed by Rev. Jeremiah Wright (to which the candidate claims he was never exposed despite it being a key element thereof) and Trinity United’s new pastor, Otis Moss III, is integral to the twisted doctrine known as Black Liberation Theology. It is no more likely that Obama was ignorant of its bigoted core than a Catholic of 20 years’ church attendance would be ignorant of the Eucharist.

