No, No, No

Don’t Tell Me to GD America

By Peter J. Wirs

Although the Civil War’s individual military records were never known for their accuracy, my fifth-great grandfather, John Arms, was apparently in the 72nd Pennsylvania regiment, stationed in reserve behind the 69th (the “Fighting Irish”) and 71st Pennsylvania regiments of the Philadelphia Brigade, responsible for manning the “Angle,” the turn in the stonewall that took the brunt of’s charge on the afternoon of July 3rd in Gettysburg. What is certain is that my fifth-great grandfather was shot in the leg by a Confederate bullet, taken to the rear, bit on a bullet to offset the pain while the surgeons sawed off his leg (amputation was the only reasonable surgical procedure since musket rounds splattered upon impact), given a shot of whiskey and sent home.

Accordingly, I take great umbrage when Senator Barak Obama’s preacher/mentor the Rev. Jeremiah Wright lumps me under the Malcolm belief that all white people are devils. To set aside the media rhetoric for the moment, Rev. Wright of is the Black Liberation school of theology, although initiated by Malcolm X, was academically fined tuned by Rev. Dr. James Hal Cone of Union Theological Seminary. Under Cone, Black Christianity is required to retreat from the universality of Christianity. “Black theology,” argues Cone, “refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him.” Cone advocates: “Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.” This theology is based on the New Testament, in that according to Cone, “Jesus is not for all, but for the oppressed, the poor and unwanted of society, and against oppressors.”

Cone asserts that “Theologically, Malcolm X was not far wrong when he called the white man ‘the devil.’ The white structure of this American society, personified in every racist, must be at least part of what the New Testament meant by demonic forces. . . About [sixty years ago it was acceptable to lynch a black man by hanging him from a tree; but today whites destroy him by crowding him into a ghetto and letting filth and despair put the final touches on death.” On a PBS interview with Bill Moyers, Cone argues and Moyer, the quintessential Southern Democratic apologist, readily agrees, that lynching is in “America’s DNA.”

Well excuse me, lynching is not in my DNA. Taking his Philadelphia speech at his word, if Obama wants to get into a serious discussion about racism, let’s get the facts straight. Stop acting as if American history began with the advent of television. Racism is not, and never has been, a mere black-white issue. Racism has, is, and probably always will be a North-South issue (and to an equally rich-poor divide). There is no such thing, as per Rev. Wright’s dictum, a U.S. of KKK A.,_no,_no,_don%e2%80%99t_tell_me_to_g–_d—_america?page=full&comments=true
