Bitter Bumpkins Take Note!

Barack Obama’s latest smear isn’t a mere misstatement

Augusta Chronicle Editorial Staff you are a gun-supporting, God-worshiping, secure-the-border type who feels unfair trade regulations are killing American manufacturing, Barack Obama doesn’t just respectfully disagree with you.

After all, you can’t respectfully disagree with someone you have for.

No, he thinks you’re nothing but a sour-grapes, behind-the-times, racist, gun-and-Bible-toting nutcase.

In short, you’re just a bunch of bitter

One supposes that you could offend more people in one fell swoop than Obama did with his recent recitation of small-town-America’s mental, for example.But you have to go back to former Atlanta Braves loudmouth John Rocker to offend as many categories of people as Obama smeared in his ugly pronouncement.

Here’s what he said recently about the state of small-town Pennsylvania:

“It’s not surprising … they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiment, as a way to explain their frustrations.”

This isn’t a misstatement, folks — not even in the exaggerated sense of a Hillary Clinton “tell-a-tall-tale-over-and-over” misstatement. Nor was this just a case of a poor word choice.

No, this was a very revealing comment. It betrays an elitist, arrogant and, worst of all, condescending view that Mr. Obama and others of the far left have toward mainstream Americans. They view small-town folks, especially in the South and Midwest, as paranoid, xenophobic, spiritually crippled, dimwitted and dangerous with guns.
