Why Are All the Greens White?



Swedish and German sociologists did studies of minorities that I hoped would be less biased. But I saw all the familiar statistics- high rates of crime, drug abuse, alcoholism, divorce, and low rates of education and employment. They also noted the males have trouble with authority figures, have an ostentatious wardrobe, and walk with what we’d call a “http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2822 swagger.”

Only problem is, they were talking about the Saami and Gypsies, who are just as white* as I am. The difference is not skin color, but the genetic endowment that comes of 10,000 years as http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3745, whereas these two European tribes were nomads, with very different views of private property and personal relationships. This is because of the genetic propensity in minority gene pools to have more alpha males.

Their hunter/nomad lifestyle required more aggressive hunters and warriors to acquire resources and defend the tribe. The http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3305, she could flee into the same woods and look for a man who would. Being brave, with the strong right arm, sword in hand… just didn’t cut it.

History, of course, has been written by the scribes in the pay of the warrior class, so you don’t pick that up there. But more recently, archaeology has left the carved marble monuments of the cities and looked at these obscure yeoman farmsteads, which were scattered all over obscure corners of Europe where most people, who are not mentioned in the Histories, actually lived.

If you didn’t http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2602. The elders also managed the resource bases, and would still be at it, but the charity of Christian Native Europeans provided food, but not birth control, so the numbers in the tribes are no longer sustainable in their own ecosystems.

Even if non-whites are inclined to worry about the environment, they are so short on resources they don’t have the remaining assets to do anything about it. Moreover, since they descended from tribal settings, they don’t think in terms of personal property, and don’t have a personal relationship with the environment. The yeoman starts out learning the personal relationship to the land, which extends outward to global effects on it; it is felt more intensely at the personal level, and motivates their descendants now to manage global resources.

In the tribal cultures, http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3040 appear in Europe, which drew alpha males from the area into their power structures. They would be lived in for a few decades, perhaps a century or two, then suddenly abandoned. The arts of hygiene had not been worked out, and the warrior classes died like flies while the remote yeoman survived.

Then, a few centuries later, more hill forts appeared. And this cycle went on into the era of written records about the Black Death.

Tribal cultures had always been exposed, and never saw the same rate of disaster. That is, except for the Native Americans, who became infected from the Greenland Norse, and who died off in even larger numbers. And like the European hill forts, places like Cahokia were suddenly abandoned in the 13th century. It was lots harder on Native Americans because they lacked the metal gardening tools of Native Europeans.

They also lacked turnips. European folklore is full of references to tubers. When armies came into an area, the yeoman families took what they could carry fleeing into the forest, and buried the rest of their tubers. You can’t do that with grain. When the soldiers arrived, both the women and food were gone. Their spartan lifestyle also meant that there was no gold. No women. No food. Whole armies were starved out. Most notably, Napoleon in Russia. That has a lot to do with why they still like borscht.

Again, it was the alpha male warriors who died, and the men who respected the rights of women who lived. The maternal, nurturant instincts of women are far more powerful in white culture, and this extends to what we now call ‘green consciousness’. And indeed, much of the green movement is dominated by white women.

[Article found at various Newsgroups

(Correspondent) The Saami (Lapps), the famous reindeer herders of the Nordic nations, have absorbed a lot of white DNA but are genetically related to the Asiatic Siberian peoples, and most would not be considered white. The Gypsies are more problematic, consisting of waves of low caste and outcaste Indian groups speaking an Indo-European tongue, but were originally Dravidian (Australoid) racially. Some, like the Irish and English “Travellers,” have absorbed enough white genes to make them indistinguishable from their white neighbors, thanks in large part to landless white peasants joining their ranks in various periods of upheaval. Eastern Gypsies, who commit an estimated 60% of all crime in Slovakia, for example, have gained new access to Western Europe with the fall of communism, and are regarded by indigenous whites, as well as many “old” Gypsies, as a serious social problem and a threat to their traditional lifestyle, part of a larger collapse of Western Civilization that some Gypsies resist. Tom Odley, the English Gypsy “King” and poet, even ran for office as a member of the National Front in the 1970s.
