Oregon: Some Detour Around License Law

People here illegally see Washington as one way to avoid Oregon’s new proof of residency rules

A month after http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3500 rules went into effect, illegal immigrants and their advocates already are seeing ways to skirt the law.

Some illegal immigrants and immigrant rights groups say the most likely approaches are relocating to Vancouver or elsewhere in Washington, where getting a driver’s license is easier; carpooling, using public transit or getting rides from friends and family; driving without a http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2402; or remaining in Oregon until current licenses expire, then returning to native countries.

Washington state is one of a handful left nationwide — and the only state in the Northwest — where drivers are not required to be in the country legally.

For some Washington legislators who believe issuing driver’s licenses has nothing to do with legal status, Oregon’s http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3495 is of no concern. For others, the move is more reason for Washington to follow Oregon’s lead and toughen its laws.”We’re saying, ‘We welcome you with open arms. Come to Washington, and we’ll take good care of you,'” said Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver. “That worries me.”

