Nader Launches Exploratory Committee Site

Consumer advocate mulls new White House run

With the White House, consumer advocate and patriot Ralph Nader has launched an Exploratory Committee to see if he is able to garner enough support to launch a White House run.

The committee

Nader won the endorsement of the Tuesday, but it is unclear if he would run for them, as he did in 1996 and 2000, or as an independent, as he did in 2004. He has already castigated corrupt election laws that make any Third Party effort very difficult, but, like Ron Paul, a strong showing would send a message to the establishment that their handpicked “choices” represent no choice at all. It would also create pressure to force any White House winner to at least take alternative views into account. Like Paul, Nader also faces a financial burden when faced with the bursting warchests of the corporate hopefuls.And like Ron Paul, Nader has been relentlessly hatebaited by the ADL and similar “watchdog” groups because of his opposition to the war on Iraq.

Nader’s nascent campaign stands opposed to “corporate greed, corporate power and corporate control,” a populist war cry which resonates with tens of millions faced with looming economic hardship.

While nationalists would take issue with some of Nader’s positions, he, like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan, represents he increasing “left/right crossover” as “mainline” politics become deideologzed and oriented to raw power and exploitation. Any voice opposed to the corporate and globalist elites is a welcome voice.
