Pulling Strings For Senator McCain

“Don’t be fooled by the myth of John McCain.”


By Joel Skousen

The US political circus is an amazing, if not agonizing, show to watch. First, we saw Rudy Giuliani, the establishment’s pre-election favorite (only because the media said so) go from front runner http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3208.First, a suspicious view from the Left. British journalist Johann Hari of The Independent in Britain tells Americans “Don’t be fooled by the myth of John McCain.”
“A lazy, hazy myth has arisen out of the mists of New Hampshire and South Carolina. Across the pan-Atlantic press, the grizzled 71-year-old Vietnam vet, John McCain, is being billed as the Republican liberals can live with. He is ‘a bipartisan progressive,’ ‘a principled hard liberal,’ ‘a decent man’ –in the words of liberal newspapers. His fragile new frontrunner status as we go into Super Tuesday is being seen as something to cautiously welcome, a kick to the rotten Republican establishment.
“But the truth is that McCain is the candidate we should most fear. Not only is he to the right of Bush [like almost all British journalists, Hari is writing from a leftist perspective, who mistakenly views socialist and globalist Bush as a radical right winger-because of his Hitler-like pre-emptive attacks on other nations. In European leftist terminology, Left is using government power “for the people” (socialism) and Right is using government power “against the people” -at least those on the Left. In US political doctrine it’s very different, Left is anything furthering government power to restrict liberties and redistribute wealth, and Right is for less government and more individual liberty–strictly limiting government power to the defense of fundamental rights, and banning socialism. At least it used to be that way until Republicans began shifting to the middle and then to the Left and still calling it “conservative.” Bush is actually center-Left, though his rhetoric still tilts deceptively to the Right, he is also the Republican candidate most likely to dispense with Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

