Rivers Of Blood: Diversity Is Our Greatest Threat

There are practically no Whites who had a choice who’ve opted for “diversity”.

by Guy White

“We didn’t have the wonderful diversity of people that you have here today,” said Hillary Clinton during her 1995 trip to the Chicago school she attended as a child. “I’m sad we didn’t have it because it would have been a great value, as I’m sure you will discover.”

At the time when Hillary made this declaration, her own daughter was a High School student. Neither Mrs. Clinton, nor her husband (“America’s First Black President”) thought it advisable to send their child to a “diverse” school. President Bill Clinton may open a library near the Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas – a school at the center of integration battles in the 1950s – but he won’t let his child anywhere near it. Are we to believe that Bill and Hillary refused to send their daughter to a diverse school because they hate Chelsea? Are we to believe that the rich always send their children to lily-white private or suburban schools because they want to make sure that space is open in “multicultural” schools for the poor who cannot afford either private schools or homes in wealthy suburbs with non-diverse schools?There’re practically no Whites who had a choice who’ve opted for “diversity”. After the U.S. Supreme Court imposed integration and forbade segregation, the rich and the middle class escaped to suburbs as soon as minorities began moving into their neighborhoods. It was the so-called “White Flight” that led to the creation of not only the suburbs, but also the building of most American highways built since the Brown v. Board of Ed decision. For Whites to live in the suburbs, they needed effective infrastructure to move from the suburbs to the major cities where they worked.

The rich and the middle class used their political clout to lobby for highways that allowed them to escape “diversity”. Many of the highways and other public works projects were built in a way to protect urban White areas from “multiculturalism” by leaving minorities on the “other” side of the government project, thus slowing the flight of Whites (and the taxes they pay) from cities.

Diversity is a failure not only in the United States, but throughout the world. Over the long term, the only result of diversity is war. Different African tribes are at each other’s throats in every country they are forced to share. Muslims fight each other, Sunnis against the Shia, Arabs against Kurds against Persians.

We are told to believe that Mexicans, Muslims and Africans will integrate into Western societies. But what proof is there? Similar people may overlook their differences and integrate within a generation or two. But where do we see people of different races successfully integrate into one?

To the extent diversity works anywhere, it is a result of the White Westerners’ belief in the God of Multiculturalism and Peace. During the first half of the 20th century, European and Western nations fought the two bloodiest wars of all time. This was not a result of White brutality, but rather a product of innovation that created airplanes, tanks, rockets, missiles, machine guns and other deadly weapons. Coming out of World War Two, the White Man was simply tired and could not go on fighting. The idea of embracing each other seemed like a way out of a permanent disaster with constant warfare. And so the West agreed to look beyond one’s tribal instincts and embrace one another. Of course, that is relatively easy for nations that are similar. The French embraced the Walloons. The Germans embraced the Dutch. The Norwegians embraced the Danes. The WASPs embraced the Irish. The Askhenazi (European) Jews embraced the Sephardic (Middle Eastern, Central Asian and Spanish) Jews. But it’s easy for people who are already similar to join hands and sing the kumbaya around the campfire.

But what to do when Muslims who believe in covering up their women from head to toe arrive in Holland, a place famous for its libertine sexual mores? What to do when Africans arrive into Western countries and set fire in the middle of their hotel rooms when they want to cook food? Or when Mexicans demand that the City of Los Angeles spend money celebrating Cinco De Mayo rather than the Fourth of July? Most cultures would fight back. But Whites simply back down and go along with their own cultural destruction for the fear of being called racist.

