To Hell With Sudan

by Winston Smith

Sudan gets treated very oddly by this world. The slave trade there is brutal, cruel, and thriving, yet people are still weeping and wailing over the slavery that ended in the American South 150 years ago. In Sudan, Black Muslims mercilessly harass, persecute, torture, and killed Christians, and yet Muslims everywhere are furious that a group of Muslim clerics in America was removed from an airliner when they loudly and proudly said their Muslim prayers, chanted “Allah! Allah! Allah!” on the jetway leading to the plane, made anti-American comments, expressed anger over the fate of Saddam Hussein, and asked for seat belt extensions even though they obviously didn’t need them. And there’s that issue of the horrific genocide taking place in Darfur, being carried out by Muslim Arabs. In all this, the nations have dealt with Sudan by doing little more than wagging their fingers, shaking their heads, and saying, “Now, you stop that!” That’s why Sudan is the hell on earth that it is. Why any reasonable White person would want to set foot in that God-forsaken pit of dispair and cruelty is a mystery. But a 54 year-old British woman named did that and more; she very stupidly decided to be a teacher in Black Muslim Sudan, the land of slavery, Christ-hatred, and genocide. And for her pains in bringing a bit of civilization to a place that neither wants nor deserves it, she’s now in jail for allowing her students to give a teddy bear the name Mohammed, after a classmate, not the so-called “prophet.” The Sudanese authorities say her action, as defined by the notorious Sharia law, is an offense against Islam and incites hatred, and is punishable by 40 lashes, a year in prison, and a fine.

A spokesman for the Sudanese governement said, “This woman is being dealt with in the proper ways in accordance with the laws of our country.” I’m sure that gives her and her family a lot of comfort. But the spokeman isn’t really all that concerned with Gillian’s safety and comfort. “This is a worry for us,” he lamented. ”We have already received abusive phone calls to our offices in London.” Apparently, Sudanese Blacks are just like Blacks everywhere, especially in America – they get offended when people are outraged by their most despicable behavior; they scream that you’re hurting their fists while they’re beating you to death. I’d bet that if Gillian Gibbons had been given the choice between abusive phone calls or her current situation, she would have chosen the phone calls.

By the way, don’t the folks in Sudan know that diversity is their greatest strength, and that all religions are equal?
