Violence from the Left

“Here the violence is ruling against free speech.”

by Baron Bodissey

I on the fascist-style tactics being used by Sweden’s trade unions to discourage membership in Sverigedemokraterna.

If one were to believe the hysterical pronouncements coming from liberal media organs — and even from some of the two.

Violent right-wing outbreaks are as rare in Europe as churches are in Yemen, yet somehow a reincarnation of the Third Reich is the greatest fear. The violence of the Left has been hidden under a blanket of media silence, aided by official indifference, if not tacit support.But all that is beginning to change. And, as is usual with any change for the better, it’s happening first in Denmark.

Fjordman drew my attention to this important article from yesterday’s, and TB was kind enough to translate it for Gates of Vienna:

Violence from the Left

The violence from the Left is being silenced to death by the media. Is it not the time that we wake up to recognize the truth? The Minister of Justice has to answer this.

by Søren Krarup, MP, Danish People’s Party

[Søren Krarup is accused by many on the Left being of being a racist for telling the truth about Islam. Recently he made a speech in Parliament in which he said that Islam as an ideology was comparable to Nazism and Communism. Caused a major stir from the PCs and the Left. — translator

The first picture is the stalking of Pia Kjærsgaard [leader of the Danish People’s Party on Christiansborg Slotsplads [The square outside the parliament. It was, as everybody knows on Tuesday October 2, where the Parliament gathered and where, down on the square, there was a big demonstration. PK went down there to speak to some of the demonstrators, but was harassed and bothered so severely by people from the SFU [The youths from the Socialists People’s Party and Enhedslisten [The communists that here security guards asked her to seek shelter behind the walls of Christiansborg, for security reasons, so that she did not run the risk of being assaulted more severely.

No politicians from SF [The Socialists, De Radikale or Enhedslisten have been stalked or driven away from a demonstration on that square by VU [youths from Venstre, the prime minister’s party, KU [youths from The Conservatives or DFU [youths from the Danish People’s Party. The violence comes from the Left. The terror of the streets is being practiced by the hopeful youths from SFU and Enhedslisten, and when PK makes Villy Søvndal [the leader of the Socialists aware of this he explodes in a hollow and empty rage at the podium of the parliament.

Instead of addressing and ending the spiral of violence from his own party’s youth organization.

The second picture is from the recently ended election campaign, and is about the fate of the posters from the rightwing parties. Here you find a systematic wanton destruction. Posters from the Danish People’s Party actually cannot be put up on Nørrebro or Vesterbro in Copenhagen. They were torn down by the hundreds. The rest were either painted over or cut. Also the posters promoting politicians from V and K [Venstre and Conservatives suffered a rapid and unfortunate fate in the capital, while posters from S [Social Democrats, R [De Radikale; SF [The Socialists and Ø (Enhedslisten were hanging peacefully on the lamp posts, smiling graciously to the people of Copenhagen.

I was myself nominated in Sønderjylland [South Jutland and often saw my own likeness with horns on my forehead or a Hitler moustache. Respect for the opponent’s right to exist, and speak out for that matter, is not a well-developed property on the left. Here the violence is ruling against free speech.

And worst and most, the violence from the left manifested itself in the assault that took place on October 21 against the organization “Stop the Islamization of Europe” (SIOE). It happened in Christianshavn in connection with the Saudi Human Right Commission’s [I love this organization; can it get more bizarre. I mean: ‘Human rights’ and ‘Saudi Arabia’ in the same sentence — translator visiting the Institute of Human rights in Copenhagen. And the violence was so brutal and horrific that it is only by luck that nobody was killed.

Members of the above-mentioned organization, SIOE, had announced legally that they intended to demonstrate. On arrival at the Institute of Human Rights, and still in their car driving down to the parking lot, some autonomous-looking persons [anarchists smashed the windows. “Pull him out! Pull him out!” the disguised attackers were screaming, while beating the driver of the car and a female passenger with iron clubs. A woman was hit in the head with a full water bottle, and yet another was knifed.

Another participant in the demo was beaten outside and when lying on the ground the autonomous attackers tried to put a knife in him and hit him with iron clubs. A female participant tried to get away but was caught and also beaten with an iron club.

This is what happened. It is well-documented by photographs of the wounded while they were getting loaded into ambulances for hospital treatment. A local janitor/caretaker called the police when the assault started because even though it was a perfectly legitimate demonstration, and even though we have seen this kind of behavior from the Left in earlier incidents, and the attention from the police should therefore already have been there, there was not even one single officer present at this, which was in reality an incident of attempted murder.

Lars Hedegaard compared the incidents with the Nazis’ street terror in Germany. The behavior we are now seeing from the autonomer i in many ways bears a strong resemblance to the Nazis’ use of violence in the last years the of the Weimar Republic where nobody but the Nazis could demonstrate without running the risk of severe assaults and sometimes being killed.

That’s how things are here in Denmark today. And almost worst of all: this horrific violence from the Left is being silenced to death. We have seen no big headlines in the newspapers. The TV has been completely quiet about this attempted political assassination. The journalists show no interest in the bloody behavior from the autonomer.

I ask: Is it not time for us to wake up and recognize the truth? Is it not time that a determined defense of law and order meet the terror of the street?

I will ask the Minister of Justice about this when the Parliament reopens [for the first time since the election, which is today, the 27 of November 2007 — translator.
