The ADL vs. Ron Paul

“The Anti-Defamation League plans to ask Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul to distance himself from extremist groups”

by Virginia Deane Abernethy

The B’nai B’rth’s ADL [Anti-Defamation League demand that Ron Paul return contributions from persons that the ADL does not like is quite extraordinary. Even the big bully on the block can only throw his weight around so far. The fact is that any citizen may legally contribute to any candidate.  

Hillary and Bill Clinton returned contributions only when it was disclosed that megabucks had been given to their campaigns by one or more NON-citizens.  

Furthermore, any claim that no Jews will vote for Ron Paul is ridiculous. Within the week, I circulated an article that explicitly referred to “Zionist Jews for Ron Paul.”

Listen up, ADL! Lots of Americans of all races and religions want sound money and liberty. So it’s no surprise that they want RON PAUL!!!
