UK: MI5 Agree with Griffin

MI5’s stark warning on Islamic terrorism

News article filed by BNP news team
The head of the intelligence service has claimed that Islamic fundamentalism is at odds with western democracy and that its spread is changing our society. It is another case of influential establishment figures playing catch-up to BNP leader Nick Griffin who endured two Crown Court trials for saying precisely the same message.

In a speech given today at the Society of Editors the MI5 Director General, Jonathan Evans said:

“As I am sure you are aware, the main national security threat that we face today is from Al Qaida and its associated groups. But before we look at the violent manifestation of that threat in the UK, we need to remember where this comes from.

“The violence directed against us is the product of a much wider extremist ideology, whose basic tenets are inimical to the tolerance and liberty which form the basis of our democracy. So although the most visible manifestations of this problem are the attacks and attempted attacks we have suffered in recent years, the root of the problem is ideological.“Why? Because the ideology underlying Al Qaida and other violent groups is extreme. It does not accept the legitimacy of other viewpoints. It is intolerant, and it believes in a form of government which is explicitly anti-democratic. And the more that this ideology spreads in our communities, the harder it will be to maintain the kind of society that the vast majority of us wish to live in.”

He also reported in his Manchester speech that the number of individuals who posed a terror threat to Britain has increased by 25% in just over a year.

“…..[in 2006 MI5 had identified around 1600 individuals who we believed posed a direct threat to national security and public safety, because of their support for terrorism.

That figure today would be at least 2000. This growth, which has driven the increasingly strong and coordinated government response, is partly because our coverage of the extremist networks is now more thorough. But it is also because there remains a steady flow of new recruits to the extremist cause.

School children targeted

Mr. Evans also identified that school children are being targeted by the hate-filled extremists:

”As a country, we are rightly concerned to protect children from exploitation in other areas. We need to do the same in relation to violent extremism. As I speak, terrorists are methodically and intentionally targeting young people and children in this country.

“They are radicalising, indoctrinating and grooming young, vulnerable people to carry out acts of terrorism. This year, we have seen individuals as young as 15 and 16 implicated in terrorist-related activity.”

The fundamentalists are in for the long haul he added:

“I have been directly engaged in work against this violent extremist threat for most of the last decade, and I believe that terrorism inspired by it is likely to dominate the work of my Service well into the future.

“And here is an important point. We know that the strategic thinking of our enemies is long-term. But public discourse in the UK works to a much shorter timescale whether the electoral cycle or the media deadline. We cannot view this challenge in such timescales. If we only react tactically while our enemies plan strategically, we shall be hard put to win this. A key part of our strategy must be perseverance.”

The government may be committed to throwing ever larger amounts of taxpayers’ money at the security and intelligence agencies but only a robust political programme, to stop and reverse the spread of Islamic fundamentalism in our society, can bring safety and security to our streets and city centres. Such a solution would include the immediate halt to all immigration while an agency considered how best to deal with any genuine skills shortages, the deportation of all criminals serving sentences for terrorism along with their families (wives/children), the closure of mosques known to harbour extremists, a promise that not a single new mosque will be granted planning permission and the cessation of attempts by public authorities to pander to a minority of pushy Islamic clerics with a strong message broadcast that Britain is and will remain for all time to come a Christian/secular nation and will never fall under the sword of an alien faith.
