Bitter Battle for Kosovo-Metohija — The War Serbs Will Win

Article Kosovo and Metohia: by General Leonid Ivashov, the vice-president of the Academy on geopolitical affairs.

Despite its territorial locality, the Kosovo problem continues to be in the focus of attention of international community, affecting the character of interaction of the United States, Russia and Europe and threatening to provoke a serious aggravation of the Russian-U.S. relations.

What is the most profound reason of this battle that promises the emergence of new dividing lines in the European and global politics?

Had something of the kind happen somewhere in Africa, everyone would have long forgotten all about it, whereas the Kosovo problem has come to the fore, and keeps exciting the whole world. My explanation is that what is being modeled in Kosovo and Metohia in the most critical form are the models of the mankind’s development, where the interests of different civilizations clash and where strategies of the action of different power centers are taking shape. The main players on the Kosovo field include the international financial capital that is using the United States as its high-power battering-ram, Europe that is now under the U.S. control, NATO as a military arm of the U.S., as well as European capital and Russia that is getting its feet on the ground, no longer willing to toe the Western line.The clashes of the parties each with their own positions indicate the disappearance of the illusionary end of the “cold war”, thus refuting the lies about the existence of the unipolar world. The departure of the Soviet Union from the global political arena was trumpeted as a victory of the West, and “Western values” were proclaimed as universal for all the nations, states and civilizations. Understandably, there can be no diversity of traditions, faiths, socio-economic development models and models of interrelation between the state and society. Everything here is flatly uniform and everyone obeys the power of money.

Serbs Punished for Refusing to be Enslaved by Globalist Fascism

Serbs who retain their sense of national pride refused to live in this generally faceless and spiritless ghetto. Quite like us, Russians, they are unwilling to turn into bio-robots whose only dream is food and pleasure. Quite like us, they wish to be human beings saving their souls and memories of their history, speaking to God rather than mammon.

However, new lords of the world, oligarchs of the global empire of capital are unwilling to see disobedient nations and states choose an independent way of development, denying the Judaic-Protestant standards that are actually nothing but surrogates of spiritual and moral values.

That is why the Greater Yugoslavia was thrown into war, broken down to pieces and placed under the control of oligarchs. The leaders of Serbian resistance movement were taken into custody by the illegal Hague tribunal. Slobodan Milosevic was murdered, and genocide against Serbs started. It all happened due to the fact that in the late 1990s Serbs became a symbol of unbroken spirit and an example of the struggle waged by Slavs for the preservation of their national identity.

A wide arsenal of techniques and means was used in the fight for the subjugation of Serbs, including secret operations of special services, mass brain-washing of Serbs, the creation and funding of the “fifth column”, building up of separatist sentiment, formation and arming of gangster groups, the use of economic sanctions and political isolation, encouraging drug trafficking, and finally, an overt military aggression. That was followed by the adoption by the UN Security Council of Resolution 1244. Paradoxically, it was voted for with an eye to achieve results that were the total opposite of what had been intended. International peace-keepers and the UM mission did their best to actually separate Kosovo and Metohia from Serbia, tearing its spiritual heart out of the body of the Serbian people.

Concerted Efforts at Subjugating Serbian Nation Failed: The Struggle Continues

Everything seemed to be ready for the legal reinforcement of what had been done, for the mortification of Serbs before the whole world and establishing of a pro-American regime in Serbia, and of the Albanian Fascist rule in Kosovo. But things did not work out that way. The political forces in Serbia (with the exception of the “fifth column” represented by Liberal Democrats), enjoying the support of the nation rejected the capitulation. They still continue their struggle. Russia has been adamant in its refusal to resort to treason the like of that committed in its time by the then Russian premier Viktor Chernomyrdin. Europe is currently making attempts – feeble as they are – to identify something to substitute for the plan worked out by Ahtisaari, who, according to mass media, has been bought by Americans with the money of Albanian Mafiosi. Europe is on the lookout for a compromise, and that was exactly how the German EU representative W. Ischinger has described the idea of the division of Kosovo into an Albanian and a Serbian zones.

The US attempts to take the Kosovo problem away from the UN Security Council, handing its solution over to the international Contact Group, have stumbled upon the firm position of the Russian Foreign Ministry that stated that “the suspension of the activities over Kosovo at the UN Security Council does not signify the removal of this subject from the framework of activities of the United Nations. The final decision as to Kosovo status should be made by the UN Security Council based on the agreements between Serbs and Kosovo Albanians.”

What this means is Serbs have won a temporary victory, and they continue to fight. This fight is going to become more and more fierce each and every day. Serbs should not disregard the fact that the arsenal of hostilities they are facing will be extending from the political pressure all the way down to the attempts to strangulate Serbia by economic sanctions, terrorist attacks and armed provocations.
