
‘The fanatic is incorruptible: if he kills for an idea, he can just as well get himself killed for one; in either case tyrant or martyr, he is a monster.’  —   E.M. Cioran

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

The sixth anniversary of the Sept 11th attacks by Muslim extremists has come and gone. As I went about my daily affairs I halfway followed the local and national memorial services for the victims of the attack, with whom I have much empathy. I can’t imagine the kind of hell those people experienced as they were faced with the prospect of being either burned alive or having to leap into the void and certain death. But you can be sure millions of Muslims around the world were gratified to know these victims were experiencing such a horrific state of affairs. There is ample footage on the internet which shows Muslims firing their rifles into the air and dancing as if possessed by whatever demons they worship. Bear in mind however that not all of these people in such a state of delight at the suffering of others were necessarily in the Middle East such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. A huge percentage of them live in the West including the United States, Great Britain and all of Europe.

While the United States has imposed some serious restrictions on visitors from Muslim lands a vast majority of the system hacks in government, industry and media still see Muslims as potential friends. The most painful irony of this policy is that the United States is at war with the Muslim world, make no mistake about it. But they want to have it both ways by killing Muslims overseas and keeping the door open for millions of them here at home. And as you well know if you visit Western Voices World News often enough, as a matter of course the same thing is happening in Europe. A massive source of cognitive dissonance emanating from the media arm of government via CNN and Fox News, just to name two, reigns over the land of our European fathers. I mean who cares if nearly half of the Ph.D.s in the sciences at U.S. schools are of foreign extraction, can we simply not live without them? Many of the terrorists who wear the mantle of Islam are well educated but are just as bloodthirsty in the name of their religion as their video counterparts’ beheading “infidels” with a kitchen knife. So you have to wonder how many Muslims, similar to the Mexicans, that we simply don’t know about have failed to voluntarily register their presence in our country. But I guess with nearly $12 billion they pump into the U.S. economy every year strong incentives are made to consider the company of Muslims as a tactical advantage toward globalism under the auspices of “understanding” and “diversity.” Even though President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Immigration Reform Act (on Liberty Island in New York Harbor) on October 3, 1965 wouldn’t it be refreshing to steal Mexico’s immigration policy and apply it to Muslims and Mexicans? In Chapter 3, Article 33, it states, “The Executive of the Union has the exclusive right to expel from the national territory, immediately and without necessity of judicial proceedings, all foreigners whose stay it judges inconvenient. Foreigners may not, in any manner, involve themselves in the political affairs of the country.” Yes, wondering if there is a well educated upwardly mobile sleeper cell awaiting orders to strike a nearby propane farm or military installation really is inconvenient. Then again, money talks and national cohesion walks.

You know, a person would do well to talk a growing number of European Americans out of the notion that Muslims are simply biding their time; that they are slowly accruing numerical and political power toward their dream of a worldwide Caliphate. Of course, this has been the number one reason that Mr. Bush and his bosses in the media keep telling us we are conducting a “war on terror;” But as far as I’m concerned the Islamic scourge will never in actual fact be eradicated unless and until Muslims and their mandates for violence are physically eradicated. Britain and France are exemplary models on which to base this claim and a good place in which to execute a drastic remedy. But don’t look for that to happen. There are still in power too many women of both sexes that transfer the subservient qualities of the enabling population –among which the terrorists live– to the terrorists themselves. They then transfer this illusion to an already distracted population here in America and around the world.  At any rate I could put in writing hundreds of pages of empirical evidence that demonstrates without guilt how Islam is by design a religion of conquest and subjugation. And yet their hubris allows them to evaluate parallel movements such as colonialism and the Crusades as evil, both of which admittedly come with built in negatives. But throw in a handful of strangely docile ‘moderate’ Muslims, a few civil rights groups and a chamber full of mewling politicians, and you have total obfuscation. For example, contrary to popular belief Islam does not share commonality with Christianity no more than Christianity shares anything spiritual with Haitian voodoo. No, it doesn’t matter who proclaims such an absurdity because Islam seeks to crush and replace, declaring that only “unbelievers” believe in the divinity of Christ (Qur’an 5:17) and Christians are accursed of Allah (Qur’an 9:30). There is also the blatant link between “dar el islam” (the territories of Islam) and “dar el hareb” (the territories of war). They are one in the same; wherever you find Islam you also find war. As a matter of fact, let me read a few more choice lines from the Koran.

“O Prophet! Make war against the unbelievers [all non-Muslims] and the hypocrites and be merciless against them. Their home is hell, an evil refuge indeed.” (Koran, 9:73)
“When you meet the unbelievers in jihad [holy war], chop off their heads.” (Koran, 47:4)

“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and his messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be to be killed or crucified, or to have their hands and feet chopped off on opposite sides, or to be expelled out of the land. Such will be their humiliation in the world, and in the next world they will face an awful horror.” (Koran, 5:33-34)

“When we decide to destroy a population, we send a definite order to them who have the good things in life and yet sin. So that Allah’s word is proven true against them…we destroy them utterly.” (Koran, 17:16-17)

What self proclaimed ‘moderate Muslim’ can read these words and deny their modern-day accuracy? Now I realize it is just as easy to take similar verses out of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, to make the same point; that Christianity is just as blood hungry for conquest and dominion as Islam. And I suppose other points can be just as easily twisted to form different conclusions. For example I was advised by a former minister the same Christian Bible that in 1850 was being cited as supporting the institution of slavery is cited in 2007 as supporting racial intermarriage. Both interpretations are subjectively incorrect, but both were convenient in the social environment of the time and I expect the same standard can applied to Islam. Be that as it may it’s not Christians with whom we are at war. It wasn’t Christians who slammed three jumbo jets into New York, Washington and Pennsylvania and who conduct suicide operations against American troops and innocent civilians in Iraq and around the world. It is Muslims, the same Muslims who are flocking to the white West in droves and then demanding that our people have to ‘respect’ them by literally changing the very fabric of their host society; that’s just the way Semites are wired. And since the effect of this behavior has been transformed into conventional thinking, you’ve probably noticed how Muslims (and other non-whites) can use whatever derogatory expression they want to explain Western man’s reaction to their alien presence.

You know, if the US government would have concentrated on allowing its European derived population to follow its natural inclinations in a homogenous setting the way it was intended by the Founding Fathers, rather than forcing multiculturalism radical feminism and open borders down its throat, the need for H1 and L1 visas — coupled with the threat of Islamic revolutionaries — would likely not be a part of our national dialogue. To make matters worse, transnational corporations having no affinity for the United States except as a repository for the hive-like consumption of their wares, relentlessly push for open borders, out sourcing, racial “diversity”, cultural immorality and foreign conquest, culminating in the “war on terror.” I wish I could spell out a remedy for this war Muslims have declared upon the world, but I can’t. Prior to the siege at the gates of Vienna the West in particular has borne the brunt of Islamic savagery. I am convinced however that with the application of the proper military technology and the willpower of Charles Martel, the Islamic scourge can be nullified in a relatively short period of time. In fact a muscular West determined to preserve its people and heritage, devoid of all the present day poisons afflicting its body politic, could handle just about anything.

And speaking about the war in Iraq, make no mistake about the utterly vicious resolve of the Muslims and our current leaders naiveté.’ We’ve all witnessed the effectiveness of the edicts and opinions of Muslim leaders on their followers. There is no uncertainty as they explain American / Western interests and the inevitable result when and if those interests take root on Arab soil. Bottom line: if Muslims are willing to force Western societies to change after they immigrate there, why should it be any different that Muslims would refuse to adopt what they consider to be Western degradation in their own lands? You can therefore be certain the current Iraqi administration will eventually be replaced with the leaders they want, not the ones George Bush and Harry Reid want, and that’s the way it should be. The Muslim leaders in Iraq and elsewhere will eventually call for a multiparty dialogue to come up with an Islamic/Muslim solution to their problems — in spite of the blood and treasure the District of Corruption has squandered in that desert meat grinder.

And that’s what we need to do here; by continuing EAU’s ongoing alignment with the New Right in Europe to form our own version of multiparty dialogue. We need to reassert a nation and a government that is conducive to the longevity and survival of our people, our race similar to what Muslim groups are doing in Europe. Inevitably it will conclude by bringing to the docket our own version of infidels: the multiculturalists, the globalists, the pro Muslim tolerance mongers, the open border crowd, the radical leftists and their Neo-con cousins. We must advance the grim conclusion that most politicians, media and academia are no more able to claim themselves as people of the West than Muslims. They are our infidels, the leftists, socialists and communists who by any other name pretend to be Americans, and who pretend to be Europeans. Infidels who make excuses to steal our money and re-distribute it for votes. Infidels, who push miscegenation and teach our children that Western man’s history is evil and repressive; infidels using the police to destroy the continuity of our people by intimidating the masses that equality is a virtue for white people but is an abomination for everyone else. Infidels who cry white racism where there is none, who send the best of our people into foreign lands to die for privileged interests, who bear no allegiance to the country of our European fathers by forsaking the Constitution and trampling the Bill of Rights. When it comes to rights and liberties it’s clear to see that high-ranking leaders here and abroad have come to accept the same way of thinking as the leaders in Iran and Pakistan. In fact their “version of the Koran” tells them that freedom is offensive, that homogenous (white) nations must be eradicated in order to promote the globalist dogma of egalitarianism — and resistance is now a crime. In thousands of edicts and laws the infidels of the West proclaim that heritage and culture are relative, a view the Muslims will never accept for themselves but which they hope the rest of us will continue to believe.

There resides an intolerable darkness in the hearts of Muslims and the traitors of the West, both of whom seek our subservience to their comparative globalist agendas. Inasmuch as the Muslims want European man to bow before him, so too do the traitors in our midst. Let us work to break the grip of the infidels among our people; and let us work to banish them to their kinsmen who reside in the darkness of Islam — where they belong.

European Americans United 
