9/11 Families Warn About Mexico Trucks Danger

“Wherever there are Mexicans, there is Mexico.”

By Joan Molinaro

As early as last Saturday Sept. 8th the trucks will begin rolling across our open borders from Mexico. Three days before the 6th anniversary of the worst attack on American soil. Will the terrorists be among the cargo coming across the border? If not this first trip, then very soon. They will come and Americans are going to die. Al Qaeda and Hamas are very smart killing machines and they will have no trouble getting their http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1529.

It is not only terrorists that we need to worry about, it is all the other things that they can move across our borders: these trucks are not going to be inspected and they will no longer have to unload their goods onto American trucks. This government is giving Mexico free reign to move terrorists, weapons of mass destruction, more illegal alien murderers, rapists and drug dealers across our border putting even more American lives at risk. They are doing this under the guise of “They are doing jobs Americans won’t do.” They are stealing these jobs using fraudulent social security numbers. They are not paying taxes, they are bankrupting our educational and health systems and they are occupying 30% of our prison system. Almost 6 years after 9/11 and this country is not any safer. The truth is we are actually in more danger. This President and this Congress have done nothing in the way of securing our country. Rather, they have done much to make us more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. We have not terminated our visa waiver program; instead, we have added more countries to the list. We have not secured our drivers licenses; The Politicians have simply made getting to the target easier for the terrorists.

We have sanctuary cities, like Newark where 3 students were murdered by an illegal alien who should have been deported, instead he was free on our streets. We have Federal Judges like Maxine Chesney in San Francisco who won’t allow us to enforce our laws, because organizations like ACLU and AFL-CIO file a law suit saying the enforcing of our laws in unconstitutional. Then we have organizations like LaRaza one of the largest racist groups in America receiving millions in Federal funding to protect illegal aliens and now the President of Mexico claims that “wherever there are Mexicans, there is Mexico.” And what does the Bush Administration do about it? Nothing! Oh, wait, I take that back.- They did do something, THEY GAVE INTO MEXICO AND OPENED OUR BORDERS TO THEIR TRUCKERS and BETRAYED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AGAIN!!

