They Lied: It’s a Sovereignty Surrender

By James P. Tucker Jr.

PRESIDENT BUSH and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, when finally forced to face AFP-inspired questions at the three-way summit with Mexico, lied when they denied the real purpose of creating a North American Union and planning a superhighway linking the three nations. This is demonstrated by the words of their own flunkies.

Even when trying to be sarcastic, President Bush remained grim-faced, knowing they were lying. “I’m amused. . . . It’s really quite comical,” said Bush, looking very unamused. Harper made a weak attempt at wit, suggesting the superhighway would be “interplanetary.” Bush remained grim.

Before the summit-ending press conference, officials from the three nations had been meeting in secret behind locked doors and armed guards to advance the cause of a North American Union in which there would be no borders, laws and regulations would be “harmonized” and people and goods would move freely.

A paper entitled “Negotiating North America: The Security and Prosperity Partnership” was among the documents “working groups” relied on during secret sessions.It reads: “The SPP process is the vehicle for the discussion of future arrangements for economic integration to create a single market for goods and services in North America. . . . The design of the SSP is innovative, eschewing the more traditional diplomatic and trade negotiation models in favor of talks among civil service professionals and subject matter experts within each government. This design places the negotiation fully within the authority of the executive branch in the U.S.”

This is the rationale for the administration’s claim that any agreement reached is not a “treaty” subject to Senate confirmation. Helping establish this rationale at the summit were Bilderberg and Trilateral luminaries Henry Kissinger, Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Harold Brown.

The paper says that “In the context of North America, and of deepening continental integration, the management of congressional relations presents significant challenges for U.S. negotiators.” This proved true as 22 congressmen wrote to Bush denouncing the summit and surrender of sovereignty, as AFP reported last week. “There is now a handful of members of Congress (concentrated for now, in the House) publicly opposed to proceeding with the SPP and determined to convene investigations and oversight into the content of the talks,” the paper warns.

“Congressional hostility represents the biggest threat to the continuation of the SSP after [this summit and after the end of the Bush administration.”

The efforts to laugh off the superhighway are futile. It was cited by Rep. Duncan Hunter (RCalif.) on July 24, when his amendment to the transportation bill prohibiting use of tax dollars on SSP’s “working groups” passed 362-63.

“We have right now in Texas a project that is underway, a massive project to build a 12-lane highway heading north, presumably funded largely by private funds, which will head north toward Oklahoma,” Hunter told the House. “And the understanding that I have, looking at the statements which have been made by the Security and Prosperity Partnership, is that this is part of an overall plan to develop a corridor between Mexico and Canada transiting the U.S.”

“America’s ambassador to Canada, Paul Cellucci, has suggested the borders between Canada, the United States and Mexico be dismantled with the aim of achieving a more fully integrated economy,” said Bob Barker, founder Veterans for Secure Borders. “America’s fighting men have served our country in order to preserve its sovereignty—not some borderless mishmash, some elitist pipe dream.”

(Issue #36, September 3, 2007)

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