Almost Forbidden Thoughts II


The radicals of the 60’s were not great moral exemplars. They were the most selfish and anti-democratic group in American history.

College presidents and coaches, Big Business executives, and government bureaucrats are overpaid.

Television news readers actually have no special knowledge or wisdom in regard to public affairs.

Admiration for athletic prowess is normal and healthy. The American obsession with commercial sports celebrities is not.

There is today more race hostility and race separation in Boston, New York, and other Northern liberal areas than in the South. And not for the first time in American history.

The America of today resembles nothing that the first three centuries of Americans (1600’s through 1800’s) would have hoped for or approved of.

There is no reason why the U.S. government, which has an immense revenue, needs to finance itself by borrowing money at high rates of tax-free interest. This only happens because Alexander Hamilton and his accomplices thought it was a good thing that the government provide safe and profitable investments for the rich, and the rich have made sure that Hamilton’s idea has continued to flourish.(To be continued)
