One More Time: Traitors Vow to Revive ‘Immigration Reform’

Get ready in the coming days for another round of propaganda, obfuscation, secrecy and plain old BS, because that’s what it will absolutely have to take in order to pass what they call a ‘guest worker program.’ Washington DC contact information below.

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

To no one’s surprise, subsequent to President Bush’s return from Europe; after sticking his thumb in Serbia’s eye by giving his blessings on Kosovo being handed over to the Albanians; and after telling Russian President Vladimir Putin how to run his own country, it didn’t take him very long to say he was going to revive the amnesty-by-any-other-name immigration bill that recently went down in flames. Due to an unparalleled backlash from thousands if not millions of Americans, the majority of which were European Americans another attack on our people was thwarted. Several attempts to end debate with a “cloture vote” proved futile, and it became evident to that talking scarecrow, Senate majority leader Harry Reid, that the Immigration Bill was utterly deadlocked. But, like any good predatory capitalist with an eye toward a borderless world, President Bush is once again pushing to allow untold millions more Third World peons into the United States to replace the ageing European American baby boomers and their children. As it stands now millions of illegal immigrants are breaking our laws and facing no punishment for doing so. As a result of a severely flawed immigration law passed in 1986, not to mention the 24-7 egalitarian brainwashing our people receive from the media lest they appear ‘intolerant’ some 20 to 30 million immigrants have been allowed to enter this country illegally and remain indefinitely. They work tax-free, get open health care in our emergency rooms and educate their children at no cost in our schools.

The immigration bill debated for the past several weeks differed dramatically from the one signed into law in 1986 and it is also very different from more recent immigration Senate bills. Under President Reagan the 1986 law granted amnesty but failed to secure the border, and our people have been paying the price ever since. Last year, the Republicrat-led Senate repeated the same mistake of 1986 by passing a bill to grant legal status to Third World invaders without securing our nation’s borders and without imposing any punishment for those here illegally. A fair number of Senators who still have at least half a spine voted against that bill last year because it was amnesty and because it failed to secure the border. I don’t know about you, but I would have voted against it not only because it didn’t seal the border, but also because there were no provisions for massive cold blooded deportations.

In 2007, a number of Senators led an undertaking to make sure that any suggestion that contains the critical groundwork for successfully reforming our immigration system – a condition to truly secure our borders first before any change of a so-called temporary worker scheme takes place. This became known as the “Isakson trigger,” and it mandated that Congress must finance and operate spot on border defense before any temporary work scheme could begin. At one point, the bill said that border security must include at least 20,000 border agents, 31,000 detention beds, four unmanned aerial vehicles, 105 radar towers, and 300 miles of vehicles barriers but I don’t know if that has changed. I do know if it were up to me there wouldn’t be any beds available because our ‘guests’ wouldn’t be here that much longer. In addition, a minimum of 370 miles of the fencing mandated in last year’s Secure Fence Act must be constructed.  While I think these measures are at best a good start, and would give us at least a modicum of operational control of our southern border it doesn’t go far enough. And far enough is where we need to be. At any rate I’m glad Democratic Leader Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi didn’t have the votes to pass last year’s unspeakable Senate immigration bill, styled after the 1986 debacle, and send it on to be signed by their kindred spirit in the White House Republicrat President Bush. And by the way did you know he, President Bush, could fix this problem right now without any debate? All he has to do is use his emergency funding powers to fully support the border security measures in this legislation as well as all outstanding border security measures that have previously been passed but not yet funded. (After all he was more than capable of unilaterally sending us into Iraq.)  But don’t look for that to happen. The lack of trust we have in the federal government’s ability to follow through on its promise to secure the border are legion. And what with a North American Union roadmap-to-globalism simmering on a back burner, forget about it.

As it stands now however, Mr. Bush is thumping his chest for the camera about actually appropriating 4 billion dollars toward border security even if the new immigration bill fails to pass the smell test. I believe he wants to change the direction of the so-called debate away from amnesty and towards security, which is what most people are yapping about. Well, before you break open the champagne let me remind you that he can only appropriate the money, which is to say he can only request it because he needs it for something, and he is under no obligation to actually spend it. Neither he nor the Senate can actually acquire this money and the appropriation can stand unfulfilled indefinitely. Only the Congress can fulfill that request, and right now no one actually knows where the money will come from, according to chief propagandist Tony Snow. Maybe those 20 million or more Third Worlders sucking up public benefits have something to do with that little problem. Maybe starting in 2008 the fact that La Raza stands to make 10 million dollars a year is contributing to a monetary shortfall, too.

But I don’t want to sound too cynical, ladies and gentlemen. We still need to be engaged in the political process in whatever manner we choose and I strongly advocate that we continue to do so for two vitally fundamental reasons: race and nation. First of all, whether anyone wants to believe it or not, race played a huge role in the beating back of Washington’s most recent push to ‘legalize’ millions of mestizo peons. In my opinion most of the people who called emailed and faxed Washington DC know on an intuitive level what we have been saying all along. That when America’s founding race is marginalized in terms of population and culture our descendants will have hell to pay. Subconsciously, in spite of the legal versus illegal smokescreen, in spite of the speak English-or-leave-nonsense, they are being forced to recognize that until a few decades ago nearly all Americans took it for granted that the United States was, by fate and temperament, a White country. They know deep in their heart of hearts that a Mexicanzied America will be a horrifying prospect if not for them but their children and grandchildren. But they are reluctant to openly say so thanks to our alien-hijacked media, which teaches that standing up for White community and integrity is portrayed as “bigoted” and “hateful.” In fact they already know Blacks and Mexicans are supported and commended when they form ethnically exclusive pressure groups and work for their racial interests with no one in the media or the government daring to criticize them.

Therefore, the time is long past for us to stop beating around the Bush and fully explain why we really oppose the influx of non-European bipeds. Never forget: preceding 1965, nearly all immigration was from Europe. The numbers of non-Whites in the land, other than the Black descendants of slaves, was entirely of no consequence. The numbers of non-Whites appearing as immigrants was also not worth mentioning. I believe if a large enough quantity of people approach President Bush’s upcoming thrust for amnesty-by-any-other-name in terms of race, and do it loudly enough, we will actually begin to see the barest beginning of needed changes on behalf of the preservation of our people. I truly believe that. At the very least, ladies and gentlemen, we have got to try.

The second reason to oppose  another round of alien amnesty is nationhood. According to syndicated columnist Pat Buchanan, who really ought to think about joining us at European Americans United said the following: “The fundamental reason this bill is not dead is that its authors and backers will never quit. For this legislation is part of a larger agenda of a large slice of America’s economic and political elite. And what is that agenda? They have a vision of a world where not only capital and goods but people move freely across borders. Indeed, borders actually disappear. It is a vision of a “deep integration” of the United States, Canada and Mexico in a North American Union, modeled on the European Union and tied together by super-highways and railroads, where crossing from Mexico into the United States would be as easy as crossing from Virginia into Maryland. It is about the merger of nations into larger transnational entitles and, ultimately, global governance.” In other words, the USA most of us grew up in is slated for invisibility as it’s absorbed in to a regional quadrant; to be used for the sole purpose of profit-producing ‘free trade’, where Canada’s increasingly darkening population, Mexicans and European Americans become interchangeable units whose sole purpose in life will be to consume goods, use free public services and pay for it all with their own tax money. Like the European Union our former nation will be subject to arbitrary world governing bodies. Like the European Union we will be subject to draconian ‘anti hate’ laws the likes of which we’ve never seen before but whose presence lurks in the words of current ‘hate crime’ laws. Therefore, the United States will continue to exist only as long as European American man defends what he has triumphed over and created, which is the America of our fathers. So whenever some talking head or politician uses the immigration of the people of Europe as a reason for allowing millions more non-white Third World people into our country is patently disingenuous and wholly dishonest by those who say so. Why? Because they do want global governance but they can’t come right out and say it, so they try to make you feel guilty about who you are –and where you came from– instead.

So in the coming days get ready for another round of propaganda, obfuscation, secrecy and plain old BS, because that’s what it will absolutely have to take in order for Washington’s traitors to pass what they call a ‘guest worker program;’ what they call a ‘comprehensive immigration reform bill.’ And, truth be told, they believe we are spent from the last time we had to engage them; that we are burned out on their persistence and don’t wish to take them on as forcefully as before; by taking time out of our busy schedules to raise some hell. Well, now that I have suggested exactly how to engage them by, stressing race and nation – IF you are so inclined — we don’t have to be concerned with repeating ourselves like we have for years, or by using the same sanitized language of the neocon talk radio shows; both of which resulted in having to fight this battle again. We can draw new air from an original position high above the political din by speaking the undistilled truth. So –let us now take the great step forward in to the future by disavowing a collectivist creed based on class warfare, by disavowing the egalitarian pipe dream called equality-by-any-other-name because it does not exist either in nature or in the laboratory. Be confident in the advanced position of quality above quantity. Let us speak boldly on behalf of race and nation because in the end, whether the majority of our well intentioned people want to believe it or, that’s all it will ever come down to because that’s all that will ever matter.

I appreciate your time. Stay safe, do right, and fear no one.

Washington DC needs to hear from you.
