UK: More Labour Spin On British Identity

“The open door policy is and was a disaster.”

News article filed by BNP news team  

Multiculturalism as we have frequently has failed and even pro-immigration advocates and equality chiefs, such as Trevor Phillips have admitted this.

Integration is the new, clumsily and ill-conceived plan of those who wish to make the indigenous British people extinct with new policies and edicts being released on an almost weekly basis. Forced bussing of school pupils in places like Burnley, the setting up of a Commission on Integration and Cohesion, the calling for the end of Church sponsored schools, and now calls for an “Integration Day” from Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly and Immigration Minister Liam Byrne.

Ms. Kelly “The point of it would be to celebrate the contribution that we all make to society.”

Speaking on BBC radio 4 Ms Kelly said that a Britain day would recognise the “local focus” of people’s contribution to society in particular. Hollow Suggestions

Other suggestions for how Britain Day might take shape, made in the pamphlet for the left-wing think tank the Fabian Society, include:

• Celebrating civic values, local heritage and opportunities to get involved in local life
• Holding local “citizenship ceremonies”
• Celebrating and promoting voluntary work in communities
• Showing a debt of gratitude to war veterans who helped to secure freedoms
• The Queen’s state opening of Parliament speech could be followed by a “State of the Nation” address from the prime minister.

The call amounts to nothing more than Labour spin. These islands have been the homelands of the indigenous people who first settled here at the end of the last ice age; some 9,000 years of continuity. Only in the past 50 years have successive Conservative and Labour governments disturbed the finely tuned harmony in which the native population lived, by opening the doors to millions of unassimilated and unassimilable economic migrants. The open door policy is and was a disaster. Trying to fix the damage done to British society and the British economy by celebrating the achievements of a handful of recent arrivals is like arranging the deckchairs on a sinking ship.

We, the native British and those who have assimilated into British society in recent years, know what it means to be British or to be English, Welsh, Irish and Scots accordingly. No amount of Labour pronouncements can alter what we know to be true in both our hearts and our minds.

There is a loud chorus of demand to make St. George’s Day a national holiday in England, it is a much louder call from the grass roots English than the call from the tiny number of the metropolitan ruling classes who have a death wish for their own people. The Scots and Welsh should likewise have the respective national saint’s days established as bank holidays, if it is their wish.
