UK: Keep the Crooks

Criminals cannot be deported says EU

News article filed by BNP news team
Britain is unable to deport up to 3,000 foreign criminals because EU laws would prevent deportations of the majority of criminals.

An EU directive states that “committing a serious crime is no longer sufficient grounds for removal”, and this effectively means that over 3,000 foreign criminals a year will be freed from Britain’s jails and allowed to roam the streets again.

Probation staff have been told that only around 250 foreigners will face preliminary deportation proceedings each year, with the possibility that the deportation hearing would be unsuccessful and the criminal allowed to stay.

Last year, the government had allowed over 1,000 foreign offenders to leave jail without being considered for deportation, and even now only 163 of those released had been found and deported. There are still 512 awaiting deportation, with the remainder likely to be allowed to stay in the UK.With Britain’s jails at bursting point, the government is stalling on agreements with other countries about foreign criminals serving their sentences in their home countries. Such an agreement with EU countries is unlikely before 2009 and even further away for non-EU countries.
