The Barbarians are Coming

How Our Decaying Civilization Will End, Too Enfeebled to Resist Invasion

Philip Atkinson

The appearance of “terrorists” is in fact an unpleasant confirmation of Professor Arnold Toynbee’s 1952 prediction that barbarian war bands would attack our declining civilization.  

The Roman Wall

I was born in England, in the city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne which is proud of its long history, which can easily be traced back to the period of ancient Rome’s occupation of Britain. There are many vestiges of the occupation but the most famous remains are those of Hadrian’s Wall. This was a stone wall extending from the east coast to the west coast of England, built to protect the Roman occupied country south of the wall from raids by northern barbarians, or so I was taught. I have never questioned this explanation until recent events have caused me to consider another purpose for Hadrian’s Wall.Barrier Only To Unarmed Invaders

The Roman wall would never have stopped an attacking army, unless it was manned along its whole length. But to garrison the wall in such a fashion would be to undermine the ability of the Roman army to confront a barbarian host, who would invariably outnumber them. Dispersing its soldiers along an 80-mile front could not, and was not meant to, repel a mass attack, but to overcome a problem identical to that which Western Civilization is now facing. It was erected to stop the steady stream of migrants from the barbarian-ruled areas entering the Roman Empire. And this was done because, even though the barbarians entered the Empire peacefully, they did not come to help the Roman Empire, but to exploit it. They did not want to become citizens of Rome, but to retain their own culture within the Roman community, which made them a liability to the Roman Empire.

Declining Culture Vulnerable To Parasites

The impact of the intrusion of an alien culture upon a failing culture is similar to a parasitic attack suffered by any failing creature. Though the citizens of a declining community are slowly losing their attachments to their own community, they still feel some sense of obligation towards it. It is their community, full of their own kind, which is their tribe, so regardless of their growing indifference to their society’s tradition, they still feel a concern for its welfare. Whereas migrants from alien cultures have no such concerns; they are among strangers with a different culture. These invaders have not come to improve their host’s society, but their own, at the expense of their host. Hence such invading minority communities are parasites upon their host community.

Parasitic Nature Of Invaders Initially Masked

Initially, while the invaders are present only in small numbers, they will treat their host with care and respect. The contempt they must feel about their host’s culture will be dissembled, along with their intention to exploit the wealth of their host while avoiding any demands the host may place upon them. They will naturally subscribe to those laws of the host that carry the real threat of penalty or offer profit, but only because of convenience, and not for respect for the notions underpinning those laws; while all other laws of the host community will be silently treated with contempt except in those rare instances where they match their own culture.

Incompatible Nature Of Invaders Will Eventually Be Revealed

As the invaders numbers grow so will their confidence and their own culture will start to assert itself publicly.  The invaders’ general contempt for the culture of their host will become evident and will generate resentment between the different cultures, but while this may fester and flare from time to time, the host will confirm the decaying nature of its own culture by being unable to take effective action against the invaders.

A Modern Wave Of Unarmed Invaders

In the last few decades those countries considered part of Western Civilization have become subject to an unarmed invasion by other races and cultures. The wealth and safety currently enjoyed by England, France, Germany, USA, etc., have made them desirable places to live for the poor and frightened of other countries, such as India, Pakistan, Mexico and others. While this has been true for a long time, the barriers that previously prevented the citizens of poor countries from migrating to the wealthier countries have been removed. The previous firm resistance by the citizens of the wealthier countries has been undermined by deterioration in the character of their citizens.
