Anti-White Double Standards


European Americans are astonishingly gullible when it comes to recognizing Big Lies by the corporate entertainment culture and the dominant media culture.

For example, when European Americans hear an appeal to universal (i.e., global monocultural) values like “end all war crimes,” they think it means that the speaker truly wants to end all war crimes. Then when the speaker thereafter supports some war crimes by certain regimes, European Americans charge the speaker with having a double standard. But it isn’t an accurate charge. The dominant media culture and the corporate entertainment culture in American society hold a single standard on any given issue.

And the single standard is always based on the benefits accorded to the members of one or another particular group, ranked along the lines of religion, gender, ethnicity, national origin, continental origin, and race. That there is a hierarchy of groups in American society that is recognized and protected by the entertainment business and the media culture can hardly be denied. The reader can determine the hierarchy of groups for himself or herself by simply counting references in public discourse to four categories of events.

(1) Suffering Mentions

An obvious marker of rank and relative power in our left-wing racialist controlled media and entertainment world is the frequency with which a group’s members arrange to have allegedly historical examples of their group’s members’ sufferings made part of contemporary media discourse, entertainment, and education.

Consider the relative frequency with which the following sufferings (from among several hundred possible examples) are mentioned by the media or entertainment companies:

– Between A.D.1915 & A.D.1923, the Ottoman Empire was dissolved to put Palestine in play amongst genocides that included massacres of 1.5 million Armenians, 500,000 Christian Greeks, and 50,000 Christian Assyrians and Arameans along with the ferocious expulsion of 1.3 million Christian Greeks from Asia Minor in A.D.1922.

– The Irish Great Hunger (2 million starved, 2 million exiled) in the 1840s due to the London bankers’ greed in requiring export of produce grown in Ireland and barring its use in alleviating hunger — there was no overall collapse of food and agricultural production throughout Ireland, there was no true famine.

– The vicious expulsion of 40,000 Indo-Ugandans by Idi Amin in A.D.1973.

– The tens of millions of indigenous Europeans victimized by slave-traders, usurers, and military invaders from East Asia, Southwest Asia, and North Africa over eleven centuries.

– The on-going Christian genocide and slave-taking in Sudan.

– The internment and relocation during World War II of thousands of Japanese Americans, thousands of German Americans, and thousands of Italian Americans in the USA.

– The internment and relocation during World War I of thousands of German Americans in the USA.

– The millions of diverse victims of Nazi brutality and murders in the 20th century in Europe.

– The tens of millions of diverse victims of Bolshevik brutality, starvation campaigns, and political murders in the 20th century throughout Asia and Europe.

You’re correct if you perceive that only two of these examples are mentioned with any frequency. Keep a scorecard by your side when you read the daily paper or watch TV news.

(2) Public Squabbles

A fascinating way to determine which group outranks another group is to pay attention to public squabbles. A contemporary example is the conflict between some Jewish Americans and some Japanese Americans about the “right” of Japanese American organizations to use the term “concentration camps” as the label for the internment and relocation camps in which some Japanese Americans (along with many German and Italian Americans) were placed 65 years ago in America.

A hint of this fascinating conflict appears in the print media as a small news article or a letter to the editor from time to time. These are the two most-wealthy and highest-incomed ethnic groups in America today, and the winner of this squabble shows us a snapshot of the hierarchy between them.

Other inter-group conflicts may be about which ethnic group’s members may use what cathedral at what times, which national origin languages are taught in what schools, and which groups’ members receive reparations.

Recently, Sikh students have won the right to wear small knives in public schools while Christian students are forbidden to wear crosses. In some schools, Moslem students are allowed special prayer privileges while Christian students are forbidden to pray, even over their lunches. Clearly Sikh and Moslem students outrank Christian students.

Winners and losers in conflict situations tell us clearly the hierarchy of groups in America today. Keep a scorecard by your side when you read the daily paper or watch TV news.

(3) Who Slurs

A third way to determine rank in America’s multicultural society is to note which groups’ members can slur or slander other groups’ members without any public cost. There is a very clear pattern of dominance and subordination that makes itself visible when racial, ethnic, or religious slurs by various people are noted.

Members of Resisting Defamation kept a record of all published or reported anti-Irish slurs and stereotypes for three years (A.D.1992 – A.D.1995), and they were astonished to discover after the end of the study that all of the dozens of published slurs and negative stereotypes about Irish and Irish Americans were made by members of just one ethnic group except for two instances. There was no public vilification by print media of the anti-Irish bigots at all.

This kind of study is easy to conduct. Simply make notes on a scorecard about which groups’ members are allowed to engage in slurring behavior toward others without serious or reported criticism at all. Media and entertainment will never be the same for you once you look closely at this phenomenon.

The act of slurring the other is also the act of naming the other which, in turn, is an act of supremacy so whoever can slur or name European Americans freely is a member of a group that outranks European Americans.

(4) Publicity About Slurs

A fourth way to determine hierarchy in America is to keep a scorecard about which groups’ members are given respectful publicity about their complaints about other groups’ members’ slurs. There are only two groups in America today that can consistently force their members’ complaints to be aired in a respectful and comprehensive way.

However, European Americans have almost no voice whatsoever in rebutting hate speech against their ancestral homelands, their families, and their children. Here are two examples from a recent one-week period in the San Jose Mercury News.
The Latina vice mayor of San Jose (6/14/05) characterized a civil grand jury report as like a “British tabloid.” No criticism was allowed on the pages of the San Jose Mercury News after this divisive and racist comment, even though the slur was quoted on its pages.

The San Jose Mercury News (6/21/05) quoted a Jewish San Francisco conductor insulting other kinds of conductors as like a “Swiss hotel manager.” No criticism was allowed to be heard about this divisive and racist comment on the pages of the San Jose Mercury News, even though the slur was quoted on its pages.

Keep a scorecard by your side when you read the daily paper or watch TV news to see who can slur whom without repercussion or public criticism at all.
